Last Day of Pompeii

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Last Day of Pompeii

I had to keep running. If I stopped I would die. Fire was consuming every inch of my city as the ground quaked with each new round of smoke and ash which filled the air trying to suffocate us all.

It was the end of Pompeii.

The fire licked at my feet as they pounded the rough stone ground as I ran through the burning city. I could feel the heat wrapping itself around me as my lungs started to burn with every breath I struggled to take. Each step was becoming harder, I slipped slightly as I turned onto a narrow passageway which was once as pale as sand. It is now covered in grey.

I could hear people screaming as they tried to get away as the flames continued to spread. My white dress was stained with black as the fire caught it in its deadly haze, destroying anything which holds any beauty. It spread in a wide arc behind me as I tried desperately to find a way out of the dying city but the fire had caused so much confusion and chaos - I was lost.

Tears sprang to my eyes as a dead end came into view. I turned frantically around but was confronted with a wall of heat, death and flames. I fled into a nearby house and ran desperately through each room until I found another door which opened onto a large dirt pathway.

The old battered path was untainted by the ash and fires. I slowed my pace slightly as I ran down the path feeling some of my fear disappear as I could no longer hear the devastation and anarchy which was in the city.

Gradually a view of a crystal blue sea came into view as I came to the edge of a large cliff. Nowhere was left for me to run. I looked behind me and saw the fire had once again caught up to me creating an impenetrable abyss which only holds death now. The city was a broken image of burning buildings and sorrow filled cries. I felt numb as the last piece of hope disappeared and resignation took its place.

I knew that nothing was left for me in my dead city so I turned back towards the azul water and without thinking about it I sank forward and let myself fall into the oceans icy, welcoming, depths.

My dress streaked behind me and to anybody who looked at me now would see a falling figure of white - a falling angel. Someone who had given up hope and love as they left life behind.

My body quickly plunged into the water and needles pricked my skin as I was surrounded by icy tendrils which were slowly entering my body. I could feel my mind becoming hazy as I swallowed the salty water.

My parents faces came to mind as my eyes slowly drifted shut. I could see their smiling faces telling me that they love me. I could see them laughing and joking with each other. They were happy.

A smile came to my lips as I drifted downwards into the peaceful depths of the sea.

Before my mind was completely consumed by darkness I thought this was the last day of Pompeii.


Hey, this came to me as I listened to Bastille - Pompeii and I decided to write it down.

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