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A/n: hi! i have never written one shots before so i hope this is alright :)

The shooting for the second season of Euphoria was well under way and Zendaya had never felt so emotionally exhausted in her entire life. Although she loved Rue to pieces and often felt like her older sister, she found that she started to carry Rue's burdens within her day to day life.

Normally, this would be fine as she would just continue with the role, fully committing to it, however she couldn't push this overpowering sense of guilt as all of this burdening had been placed onto Tom.

Now don't get her wrong, she was so grateful for his continued support and comfort, especially with everything surrounding their relationship blowing up in the press, but he already had so much to worry about without her falling apart on him.

It was one particular day that everything went south.

Zendaya woke up about an hour before she was due in the makeup chair and found herself smothered in Tom's arms; her head laying in the nook of his neck. She felt so safe and content in his arms as she watched the slow motion of his chest as he breathed deeply, still fast asleep.

Everyday this past week she had to be up before him and then returned long after he'd gone to sleep as he was shooting another project during the day, so they rarely saw each other.

She quietly untangled herself from Tom's tight grasp and pecked a quick kiss on his forehead, brushing her fingers through his curls. It was becoming a bigger battle everyday to leave his side as he always knew exactly what to say or do to bring her some piece of mind.

She left for set after hearing the shower go upstairs, indicating that he was awake and she knew that he was okay.

The drive to set was relatively easy as the roads were quiet and she pulled up in the cast parking lot and trudged over to her trailer, dumping all of her stuff on the countertop and then making her way over to makeup.

The rest of the cast had been keeping a close eye on Zendaya as they too had noticed her decline in mental state. However, every-time someone brought it up she would quickly push it aside and continue with their normal conversation.

Zendaya's POV
The whole trailer went silent as I walked in and for the first time that morning. I looked in the mirror and stopped dead in my tracks. I'm not going to beat around the bush here, I looked like an absolute piece of trash; the bags under my eyes now a deep purple, my hair all over the place and my body unusually thin and battered.

Everyone was lost for words looking at the state of me so I quickly blurted, "Just getting into character" which earned a few concerned chuckles.

Luckily for me, Rue's hair and makeup is relatively easy as she needs to look rough and tired and I had already completed that look.

Once I was finished I was greeted by Darnell who also looked shocked to see the state of me.

"What the bell happened?" he asked walking along side me.

"What do you mean?"

"You look like you've been hit by a car girl"
I always valued Darnell's honesty but I did not appreciate it today.

"Dude!" I exclaimed and he grabbed my hand to stop me from walking any further.

"You need to tell me what the hell us up with you," he said looking me dead in the eyes.

I can never lie to Darnell so it all came spilling out in the middle of the parking lot and he brought me into his arms. We stood there for a while and when Darnell finally broke the silence.

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