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Tom and Zendaya's relationship had recently become public due to the invasive paparazzi photos of the two kissing. Although both of them pretended that it didn't affect them, they had both been struggling to find a moment to themselves.

"When do you think we'll just be normal again, like when will people stop caring?" Zendaya asked Tom when evening on her patio, both of their feet dipped into the pool.

"Never," Tom huffed raking his fingers through his hair.

"Don't say that, I'm sure it will get better soon," she said, attempting to cheer him up.

Tom had been particularly hurt by the photos with Zendaya's house location being leaked and just the general invasion of the sweet, private moment. Since that day they had been followed every where, being pushed and shoved in every direction.

The couple decided to brave the paparazzi and go out for dinner, just the two of them. An uber came and picked them up and they very briskly got out and ran into the restaurant in hopes to not be seen.

The restaurant was one of their favourites; a small, family owned asian chain that they have visited on multiple occasions and formed quite a strong sense of trust and safety in the owners.

Normally, they would sneak in and out unseen but tonight, someone had snitched and leaked their location.

Soon enough their perfect dinner was ruined by a flash of camera. Zendaya looked over at Tom, her panicked eyes causing his heart to sink.

"It's okay," he reassured her, grabbing her hand across the table and giving it a squeeze. He attempted to put on a brave face for her but more cars began to pull up and the yells and flashes got more intense.

"Tommy," Z whispered to him, her voice wobbling as tears built up in her eyes. They were both so helpless. The restaurant owner tried to get the paparazzi to leave but they wouldn't leave them alone.

"Okay Z, we need to leave hun," he said paying the waiter and leaving a tip for the restaurant's attempts to hide them. She shook her head violently, the tears spilling over her eyelids.

"I've got you okay? There's Tuwaine waiting for us in a car right outside," he said grabbing her hands and pulling her up, swiftly picking up her small bag and jacket, placing it over her shoulders.

She wrapped her arms around his waist as they walked towards the entrance and the cameras drew in.

The doors opened and the couple dropped their heads as the camera flashes became all consuming. Zendaya latched into Tom's arm as he searched for the car. He couldn't see it anywhere. He reached his arm around Z and pulled her closer to him in an attempt to shield her. The men continued to scream their names as they pushed and stumbled towards them.

Suddenly, the couple realised they were completely surrounded by the cameras and the screaming.

"Please just let us through," Tom begged the men stood directly above them. But they didn't budge.

Tuwaine called Tom and as he picked up the phone and began to follow his directions, his arm felt light.

He could hear her before he could see her.
"Tom!" she called out desperately as she fell to her knees due to the pressure of the pushing.

One particular member of the paparazzi took advantage of her vulnerable state and joined her in the ground, taking photos of her distressed face. Tom scrambled through the cameras and the people as he heard her sobs and yells for him get louder.

"Please stand back! She's hurt please," he pleaded loudly, trying to be as polite as possible given the circumstances. Yet no one was moving.

Zendaya curled into a ball, shielding her head with arms and tried to block out the screaming. She could hear him try to get through to her but she knew that they weren't going to let him. Tuwaine got out of the car and began to try and find them. It didn't take long until he came across a distressed Tom who was trying with all his strength to get through.

"Hey bro," Tuwaine said trying to catch his attention. Tom spun around and gathered his friend into a hug; "Where's Z?" he continued trying to crane his neck to find her.

"I don't know but she's crying and I promised I wouldn't let them hurt her and now look!" Tom yelled continuing to push at the paparazzi .

"Look mate, I'll go and get her, go and get in the car," Tuwaine said with a reassuring smile.

Tom nodded and retreated away from the paparazzi.

Tuwaine was quite a lot bigger than Tom so barging through the paparazzi was easier. He quickly saw the small frame of a woman and yelled for everyone to get back.

The deep tones of his voice soon registered with the paparazzi and they began to back away. He knelt down gently next to Zendaya and lightly brushed her shoulder. She yelped and shuffled backwards in fear.

"Woah, hey Zendaya, it's Tuwaine," he said softly moving gradually closer to her.
Her head snapped up and she fell into his arms.

"Hey, you're alright," he reassured her, "Tom's waiting in the car for you okay?"

She nodded and he brought his arm around her shoulder once she'd stood up and guided her towards the car.

As soon as she got close to it, Tom jumped out the car and ran to her. She bursts into tears at the sight of him and wrapped her entire body around his.

"Please, never let me go again," she cried as she clung to his body, her legs wrapped around his torso.

"I won't Z, never again. You're safe now, I've got you," he replied rubbing circles on her back.

"Hate to break this moment up, but we've got to go," Tuwaine said opening the door for them.

Tom placed Zendaya in the middle seat and then took his place beside her as Tuwaine shut the door. The overwhelming sound of the flashes and yelling subsided and peace filled the car. Well, apart from the occasional sniffle from Z.

She leaned her head on his shoulder as they drove away from the restaurant. He peppered her head with a little kisses, enjoying their peace finally.

"That was so scary," Z whispered, snuggling further into Tom's chest.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you, or that I let you out of my sight," Tom sighed bringing her as close to him as possible.

"Hey," she began, lifting her head off of his shoulder and looking him in the eyes, "You couldn't have stopped it love, don't blame yourself for something that was completely out of our control."

He nodded solemnly and hugged her close, just glad to have her safe.

"It sucks that we can't go to our favourite restaurant anymore," Zendaya continued, attempting to lighten the mood.

Tom hummed in agreement, "Yeah guess we'll have to find a new spot."

Zendaya winced as he brought her in closer to him.

"Woah, hey what's wrong?" Tom asked pushing her away to get a better look at her.

"I think I've bruised my side," she said rubbing it to try to ease the pain.

"Those dickheads!" Tom exclaimed and turned to Z brushing the few strands that framed her face behind her eyes. He stayed there cupping her cheeks.

"When we get back, I'll run you a warm bath and you can soak in a million bubbles okay hun?" Tom said as she relaxed back into his side, fitting perfectly like a puzzle piece.

"Mmm that sounds perfect," she agreed, closing her eyes.

A/n: Hey guys!!! Hope you enjoy this oneshot <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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