Part 1: Watashinonamaeha Doflamingo. Sureddo no kotei

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Talking; ???: Hello there

Thoughts; ???: (I have no desire)

Screaming; ???: TODAY IS SATURDAY, what's up my corduroy

Whispering or speaking softly; ???: Good morning

Actions or emotions; * Running * or * cheerful *

Sounds: Ring Ring or can also be POW

N / A: Author's Note: Hope you like it


In a world where it is normal to see a pig fly or a person turn into a bird, 95% of people have a particularity, quirk or kosei. These can be strong or weak. On the one hand, there are people who save others with their power, called heroes, and on the other, those who use their power for evil, also known as villains. But... What happens to the other 5%? They are known as mukoseis, quirkless or people without quirk.

And one person among all of them, whose power is weak, would nevertheless become someone feared by all the villains and false heroes. His name is Izuku "Doflamingo" Donquixote.


In an institution called UA, everything was quiet. There was no one anywhere, except in a room where a group of people were sitting waiting for someone else. They were the ten strongest heroes in Japan. The door behind them opened and a tall man appeared, around 175 cm, who was dressed in black and was accompanied by a small anthropomorphic being of half a meter (more or less) in a dark suit. He was a dog? bear? mouse? Nobody knew. But that was out of the question. The two sat next to each other. The first to speak was that being who with a calm but shrill voice said.

???1: First of all, I thank everyone who was able to come. The reason why I called you is to tell you about something very dangerous that I discovered recently. Or rather, someone- That caught the attention of everyone present. That animal was known as the most intelligent living being on Earth. If that someone had caught his attention, it meant that something very bad or very good could happen.

???2: And then, who is the one that caught your attention so much? Nezu? - A dark-haired woman; of a voluptuous and muscular body; With white rabbit hair and ears, along with red eyes, she spoke

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???2: And then, who is the one that caught your attention so much? Nezu? - A dark-haired woman; of a voluptuous and muscular body; With white rabbit hair and ears, along with red eyes, she spoke. The rat now known as Nezu replied cheerfully.

 The rat now known as Nezu replied cheerfully

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Izuku "Doflamingo" Donquixote (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now