AoKaga: I'm so sick of you!

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Kagami has enough of Aomine's game. Kagami has been feeling like Aomine is playing with his feelings. The other day Aomine keeps buying more Mai-chan magazines while Kagami tried to call him numerous times. And also Kagami saw Kise flirting with Aomine and Aomine kinda blush at him which makes him jealous. Kagami still loves Aomine and Aomine still loves Kagami but their relationship is problematic.

Kagami is at his own apartment cleaning and trying not to think of Aomine for a second.

Kagami: Stupid! Why do I fall inlove with an idiot like Ahomine!

He sighed a bit and he looks at the picture of him and Aomine, the times they had fun at the beach and spent together. Then someone knocked on the door. Kagami walked to the door and surprisingly it was Aomine.

Aomine: Kagami honey... can I come in and talk to you?

Kagami: Fine... better be quick.

Kagami lets Aomine in. Aomine walks to the couch and sits down. He looks at Kagami and wonders if he is still mad at him.

Aomine: Are you still mad at me...? Well you know how much I love you Bakagami but it seems like you don't believe me.

Kagami puts the vacuum cleaner at the side and sits down with him crossing his arms. He's still upset of what he did to him.

Kagami: Why do I feel like your playing with my feelings, huh?! Why do you always not answer my calls and you ignore them? Is it because your too busy buying porn magazines? Or is it because you cheated on me with Kise?!

Aomine sighed because of Kagami asking those questions that made him frustrated.

Aomine: Look Bakagami... My phone died at the time and I didn't even bring my charger... Yes I buy porn magazine because I'm bored at my home. But that don't mean I love them more then you. And oh about Kise... he just came up to me and hugged me tight like he misses me so much!

Kagami: And you blushed at him when did that to you! And you always buy porn magazines and read them infront of me ever since we hang out here. I always feel like your playing games with me and I'm so sick of it! I'm so sick of you! Just stay out of my life because I'm done with you!

Kagami turned away and crossed his arms while not looking at Aomine anymore. He tries not to take a peak of him. Aomine slowly gets closer to Kagami and he hugs him from behind.

Aomine: Are you sure your done with me? Hmm?

Aomine moves Kagami's face to look at him. Aomine pins Kagami down on the couch and Kagami gasp. He gets closer to his face while holding his hands tight and he slowly kisses him deeply. Kagami blushes a bit and pants.

Kagami: What the hell was that?!

Aomine: Its a deep kiss that I always give you and you enjoy them. To be honest you are my first kiss and always will be. You know I never kiss girls on the magazines I read, and I never kissed Kise on the lips before. So... are you really done with me...?

Aomine smirked at Kagami a bit and Kagami shook his head. Kagami felt guilty for doubting on him like.

Kagami: Okay no... I'm sorry.

Aomine: Good.

Aomine smiles and he kisses Kagami more while he caress his red head.

Aomine: I love you, babe.

Kagami: I love you too, honey.

Kagami puts his arms around Aomine's neck and kisses his lips deeply. They cuddle eachother on the couch and enjoy eachother's company.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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