Act 1, Pt. 2: Home Alone

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I heard the bus slowly stop with a SCREEEEEECH! I took off my headphones, shoved them in my backpack, grabbed my stuff and got up. I ran off the bus and into my garden. When I get home from college, the first thing I do is tend to my garden. It has many flowers such as Chrysthanthemums, Tulips, Roses, Daisies, and other such flowers. I also has a large variety of fruits and vegetables in my garden as well.

I found my gloves put them on, and went to go fill up my watering can. After I filled it up, I went around to each row of plants and watered them for 10 seconds each. After I finished watering my plants, I set my stuff down and I laid on the hammock attached to two trees in my backyard. The area is very shady, and it's just a nice place to relax in. I took out my phone and started to scroll through social media. I then realized I got a text from someone. I opened it, and I was met with a message that says, "I can't wait to see you at the party honey boo!" I knew that it was Parfait instantly. I was about to block the number when she sent me a picture of her with a kissy face. I rolled my eyes at the sight. I then remembered that I have to pick out clothes for the party. Such a shame.

I put my phone down, picked up my stuff and went inside. I was met with only the ticking sound of the clock. Of course my mom wasn't home yet. My mom has to work day shift to pay for our small home. I plopped my stuff down onto the living room couch, and I ran upstairs to my room. I shut the door and locked it before laying down on my bed. I texted my mom, "Hey mom, going to a party. Gonna be home til 9. See you later :)" and then I powered off my phone. I went to my closet to see what I had. "This party is not worth wearing fancy clothes for," I said to myself. As I was scrambling through my closet, I found a white dress shirt with ruffles on the end of the sleeves. I shrugged and threw it onto my bed. I also found some leggings I could wear, so I threw that onto the bed as well. As I was putting all my stuff back into the closet, I noticed a plastic flower crown in my pile of clothes. I took it out, thought for a bit, then threw it onto my bed. Hey, it's nice to add a bit of accessories to your outfit.

After finishing shoving everything back into my closet, I went to go get the ironing board because all of my clothes were wrinkled. I finished and put the ironing board back where I found it. I went into the bathroom, tried it on, and styled my hair the way I wanted to. I thought I looked pretty good if I do say so myself. I snapped a mirror picture and then left the bathroom. I checked the time and it was already 5 o' clock. I decided to go see what I would have for dinner. As I was looking through m fridge, I found some eggs and decided to make an omelet. I've never made one, but it shouldn't be that hard, right?

I turned on the stove and added some vegetable oil so the eggs don't stick to the pan. I then added the eggs in and waited until they were partially cooked, then I folded one side over the other. After that I waited for it to finish cooking, and I turned off the stove. I got a plate with some rice on it and slid the egg onto it. Voila, I made myself an omelet. I ate in silence while scrolling through youtube to try and find a good video to watch. Before I even found a video, I finished eating my omelet. For a minute, I just sat there staring out the window. Then I got up and went to go wash my dishes. When I was washing my dishes, I swore I saw something out of the corner of my eyes, but I just ignored it. By the time I was done washing my dishes, it was 5:30. That gives me an hour and thirty minutes to just do whatever I want.

I decided to go back upstairs to my room. I sat down at my desk and opened the drawer inside of it. I grabbed out my pencil pouch and my sketchbook. I scrolled through Youtube and found one of those stupid storytime videos. I clicked in on the video, and just let it play while I was trying to think of what I wanted to draw. Sometimes stupid videos like these storytime ones make good background noise. I decided that I wanted to draw a rose. I got out my book of flowers and went to the entry for the rose. The rest of the time I was drawing was kinda just a blur. I just went with the flow and did whatever I wanted to. After I finished the sketch, I got out my watercolor paints and started to color in all of the basic shapes. When I was done with that, I kinda just shaded with some color pencil, and I was finished. I signed my name in the bottom right corner, and I ripped out the page. I paused the video, closed my reference book, and got a pin out from another one of my drawers. I then went over to my bed and hung the picture up above it. I had done this many times before, so my wall was kinda just an unorganized mess of watercolor flower paintings, but I didn't really care. I just liked to hang them up on my wall to see how far I've come.

I went to go check the time on my phone and it was 6:30. I decided that maybe I should head out now. I grabbed my bag and shoved my phone, hand sanitizer, a mirror, and some medicine inside of it (cause you never know when you might get drugged). I put on some black dress shoes and I headed out the house.

She never actually told me where the party was. I sighed to myself. How could this girl be so stupid? How could I be so stupid? I hesitated for a bit, but then I sighed and I pulled out my phone to text Parfait.

Herb: you never told me where the party is

Parfait: oh sorry! it's at my house

Herb: where's your house

Parfait: it's at #########

Herb: ok thanks

Parfait: no probs :3


I regret asking her where it was, but now at least I know where I'm going. I've never seen where she lives, but I know the general area of that address (don't ask why), and I know that it's very very far away. But, I don't feel like driving or asking for an Uber, so I just walk. As I'm walking, I see a car behind me. I didn't think much of it, before it stopped right next to me. I glanced back the see what the heck this person is doing. They roll their window down, and it's Milk Cookie. Damn, okay. This seems kind of stalkerish but I guess it's not in his eyes. He smiles at me and waves. "Hey, why are you walking to Parfait's party? Hop in and I can give you a ride!" I was about to shake my head no and walk away, but he practically hopped out his car and pulled me into it. Okay, now this is scary. I felt like I was getting kidnapped when he was driving and he kept glancing back at me in the mirror.

He kept on trying to make small talk, like, "Sooo, how was your day?" or, "The weather today, beautiful, am I right?" I just gave him small body gestures like nodding my head, skating my head, shrugging, and other small gestures. I could tell he figured out I didn't want to talk, so eventually he left me alone, which I am most grateful for. Like I get you're trying to be nice, but if the person you're talking to doesn't talk back, that's a red flag.

Anyways, when we got to Parfait's house, I couldn't help but be slightly surprised. I expected her house to be big, but not like mansion big. As me and Milk both got out, he started to talk. "Well, here we are. When we go in, I'm gonna show you to my friends!" he said. Oh right, I forgot about that. I'm gonna be meeting his friend.

I internally sighed.

Oh boy, this is gonna be a long night, I thought. And indeed it was.

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