Chapter 17

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"I'm worried about Anika."

"Why is that?" Kal asked as he poked at some sizzling meat on the rack above the shelter's fire. Behind him, Kashka sat on the green carpet just outside the marble circle, patiently awaiting her breakfast.

"She's falling for you, hard."

"I'm with Kashka on this," said Ria from her seat on his shoulder. "She reminds me a lot of Sera when you first met her."

The mage cringed as he remembered his first encounter with the gorgon. He spent almost a week frozen in place by her petrifying gaze. During that time, she had sex with him repeatedly. But while she enjoyed herself with his cock, Kal had been physically unable to climax. The experience nearly drove him mad. Kal doubted the sprite was referring to that particular part of their meeting.

"How do you mean?"

"Until you threw her out of the tent for attacking Kuto, she was absolutely smitten with you."

"Do you think we'll need to worry about the same jealousy?"

"Probably not. You didn't have another companion with Sera. Anika seems to accept your and Kashka's relationship. I think that's why she went home last night. She's waiting for an explicit invitation to join you in bed."

Kal transferred pieces of cooked meat to a wooden plate as Kashka stood and walked over to him. "While we're talking about our spider friend joining you in bed. How are you feeling about that?" she asked.

"That's a hard question to answer," he replied, handing her the plate before piling the remaining food onto another for himself. "I've read about lamias and centaurs, but I've never encountered face to face a monster girl with a body that's mostly animal with the head swapped for a human torso."

Ria spoke a few words in elven to make a small round table and two seats rise up from the white marble before saying, "Centaurs pre-dated monster girls."

Kal looked at her in confusion as he and Kashka sat down, "Really? Wait, what do you mean by 'pre-dated.' Shouldn't it be 'pre-date'?"

Ria shook her head, "Your books called the centaur race secretive and impossible to track down. But many are convinced they are just gone. Centaurs were extraordinarily proud, much like the elves but they were also considered one of the monstrous races, like orcs."

"They stopped having male children?" Kashka asked.

"Yes, but unlike the goblins, orcs, and kobolds, centaur pride didn't allow them to settle for human partners, even to sustain their race. It's believed they accepted their time had passed and gradually died off."

"That's sad. I can't imagine letting my species die out because I had to sleep with humans," said Kashka. "But then, I kind of like the human I'm sleeping with."

"And I'm glad for that," said Kal. "But I'm sure that I read somewhere that centaurs exist in a land far to the southwest of Prentas's Tower.

"There do, but those aren't true centaurs. Like Anika, they are monster girls patterned after things that already existed."

"Women who were half-spider existed before monster girls?"

Ria nodded, "They weren't human, like our new friend, but elves that lived deep underground. As punishment, they removed the elf's legs and replaced them with the body of a giant spider while turning them into mindless slaves. It was intended to be a fate worse than death. However, the process had flaws, and a few retained their intelligence. A few of the smart ones escaped into the caverns and Once free they discovered their cobbled-together bodies could breed. Afterward, these spider people rescued those like them who retained their minds. Eventually grew into their own, separate race."

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