Chapter 22

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Showing an honest interest in these women instead of fear or disgust and allowing his partners to set the pace of their intimacy elicited some very dramatic responses from the Scarlet Bitch's crew.

The days since they left Calfera had been filled with sex, but not nearly as much as Kal expected. None of the four human women on the crew moved things to the bed. One refused to see him completely, giving up her turn to the next in line. Two sat down at the table in his room and interrogated him for the first hour. One got up and politely left afterward while the other settled into a more amicable conversation for the remainder of her time.

The last human woman entered wearing a cloak with the hood pulled over her face. Per instructions delivered to him earlier by Tavorah, he led her over to the bed and turned her away from him before slipping the cloak from her shoulders, revealing her naked body. She kept her eyes tightly shut as Kal picked her up and gently laid her in the bed. The woman rolled away from him, and the mage climbed in behind her before pulling her close and just holding her tight. A few seconds later, her body shook as she started sobbing.

The woman's husband died in the attack where the slavers took her, and the raider's subsequent abuse took their unborn child. For the next two hours, she poured her heart out to Kal as though he were her late husband. She apologized for not having the strength to save him, for losing their baby, and finally for not having the courage to join him in death.

Despite getting explicit instructions before she arrived not to speak, Kal barely whispered into her ear, "Live on, and stop blaming yourself." He wasn't sure where the urge to say that came from, but it must have been what she needed to hear as the woman flipped over and bawled into his chest until finally falling asleep. Kal quietly summoned Ria and retrieved the packet of sand before casting a sleeping spell so he could extricate himself from her embrace without waking her.

Later that day, she approached Kal as he stretched his legs out on the maindeck. The woman thanked him for earlier before kissing him on the cheek and returning to her duties. The sway in her hips as she walked away made the mage think things might not be as chaste if her turn came up again before they made port. But he could have been imagining things

The monster girls were lustier than the human crew, but some still needed a softer touch. Wonna, the rodent girl with the ever-present smile, requested Tavorah tie him to the bed before arriving alone, despite her statement back in Calfera. After riding him and sating her body's needs, she laid beside him and spoke about her experience as a slave before the crew escaped their cages and commandeered the ship. She wasn't the first to talk about her enslavement and, like many of the other monster girls, expressed how she felt betrayed by her own body. Kal wiggled a wrist free of his bonds and put an arm around the woman as she tearfully recounted the intense humiliation of begging the slavers to fuck her while in heat. Even now, after just finishing with the mage minutes ago, Wonna said she could feel the urge to mate rising again because he hadn't climaxed inside her yet.

Kal reached across and loosened the rope around his other wrist.

"Why are we like this?" she asked, then grumbled about the poor job Tavorah did of tying him up as Kal cradled her.

"Because the man who made your ancestors meant well but probably didn't consider situations like yours," he replied. "The original monster girls all have a strong desire for sex, but they can't have children and don't go through heats or mating seasons. I don't think he had the chance to consider the impact on future monster girls who experienced what you and the rest of the crew did."

"Is there a way to fix us?"

"Maybe you aren't broken."

She looked up at him. The smile on her face looked unnatural and strained. "I hate being a slave to my desire for human men. I didn't even want to come here, at least not alone."

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