02 - live

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Olivia's pov

Today is a stay at home type of day...

It's pouring rain and freezing on a Sunday so I decide to be an annoying sister and go wake up Anna

"Anna banana" Say with a few light knocks on her door, no nearly as obnoxious as she is in the mornings.


"Are you dressed?" I ask hoping I don't walk in on my sister naked

"Yep" She tells me so I walk in.

She's sitting at her desk, criss cross on her computer "Do you want to have a movie day?" I ask her

"Do I ever" She smiles sarcastically, turning her computer off

"Marvel?" She ask me leading us out of her room
"Yes" I say taking a spot on the couch
"I'll turn on the movie you go get snacks" She tells me and I go to the kitchen

"Popcorn, candy, chips, soda, and water?" I ask from across the room

"Sounds perfect" She shouts
I pour everything into bowls and make my way back to sitting back on the couch

"We're going in timeline order" Anna tells me as 'Captain American: The First Avenger' begins...


"Well I am tired" Anna says and I laugh because it is only 3 pm. We just finished Iron man

"Im going to go take a nap" She stands up and turns off the TV

"Ok, I am going to go live." I tell her going to my room

After I put makeup and a wig on I set my phone up with good lighting on my bed

My screen loads onto the live page of Instagram. After about 7 seconds people begin joining

"Hey!" I say

"How are y'all?" I ask and replies and questions flood in

"What are you wearing?" I read out load and stand up

"Here I will do a fit check. White tank from American Eagle, Pajama shorts are from Pink, Necklace and earrings are from francesca's and the hair clip is amazon" I finish and lay back down on my stomach

"What is my favorite thing to do when bored? I love to do makeup, online shop... Obviously I love singing, and more!" I list

"What is the last business related thing I worked on? Secret wise I cannot say... obviously, but the thing before last was maybe music..."

"Who is the most famous person in my phone? That is a hard one... follower wise, I do have Charli Damelio who has 1 billion followers but like model, singer, actor... I am going to have to go with Jennifer Aniston is defiantly one"

"Love life... explain it. Well thats straight up!" I laugh

"I am not seeing anyone at the moment but I am open to the idea being 20 years old and single but I will say it can sometimes be very difficult"

"Here's one. Have I ever had the idea of becoming an actress? No not currently but as a child doesn't everyone? I mean I used to dream of becoming many things like actress, singer, dancer, gymnast, model, to name a few"

"Room tour? Sure!" I say getting up

"Ok when you walk in there is a wall with a table here and some pictures of the beach, Then you turn left and you see my bed and nightstands. I don't have a lot on my nightstands, just books and lamps and necessities. On the other side there is my dresser and desk with my record player and a whole lot of vinyls. That then leads to my closet and bathroom" I lead them around my room


I get out of bed finally, my live ended 30 minutes ago and I have been on call with my manager. We have been talking about expanding my brand to clothing.

"Banana" I yell Anna's nickname

"Liv" She yells back

"Wanna go to the gym with me?" I ask

"Only if you mean Gymnastics" She laughs


Anna loves gymnastics just as much me but she doesn't do it for school. We both go to the same competition gym out of LSU though.

I go back to my room and change into a purple tank Leotard

I grab my team jacket, sandals and a water then get in the car and wait for Anna.

She comes out in a black and gold leo and jumps in turning on the radio

When we get there I go straight to floor to stretch with Anna
"Anna." I say
"Olivia" She says
"What's going on with boys?" I ask

"Good gosh Liv. Never have a break do I" She jokes

"I'm your older sister! I want to know" I complain
"Ok. There is one guy that I think is cute and wouldn't mind talking to but that's it" She spills
"What's his name?" I ask
"Connor Willis"
"I'm going to get y'all together" I say coming out of my splits

"I'm off to bars" I say walking off and she laughs at me


"And she sticks the landing" A male voice says from behind me. I just landed my bars dismount for the 15th time since we got here

I turn around and one of my coaches is standing there

"Great job" He says giving a high-five
"I didn't stick it. I still need to work on it but thank you" I smile at his support.

"Well you have been doing to same thing for an hour. What's on your mind?" He ask me

I have known him for 3 years since I graduated so it is safe to say he knows me pretty well

"It just, work you know" I say sitting on the mats
"What about it?" He ask sitting beside me
"It's like I am a different person when I am working but I act almost the same but I'm not the same" I explain

"Could there be someone there that makes you feel like you can't be yourself?" He ask

"It's not like I can't be myself, it's more like privacy" I tell him

"So you don't want people at work to know every last thing about you? Is that maybe because your scared that they will see something they don't like?" He asks like a therapist

"Maybe... I just want to be the same person all the time but it isn't that easy." I say putting my head in my hands and he rubs my back

"Why not? Just be you and if they don't like it, fuck off. You have a great personality and there are so many people out there who will appreciate that, you just have to make it through those who don't to get there." He tells me

"That means a lot" I tell him
"Thank you" I stand up and he does too
"Any time Olivia" He says and I give him a hug

"I probably should het home." I say and I collect everything and Anna and I leave.

London boy (T.H) EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now