14 - football

18 1 0

olivia's pov

I haven't talked to Tom in 5 days
which is unusual but I am just scared of what he is going to say. I am also worried if I do talk to him and I accidentally slip my feelings and he says that ring is meant to be platonic. But to hopefully get all of that out of my mind, I am singing the national anthem before the LSU game today and afterwards watching it with my best gymnastics friend Karly who I have known since 6th grade.

"Are you ready?" Someone ask me handing me a microphone I nod in response and he motions for me to walk into the field

"And singing the national anthem today is Olivia Dunne, a fellow Louisiana State student" The announcer says filling the stadium with his voice
I take a deep breath as the orchestra begins playing
"Say, can you see
By the dawn's eaely light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watched,
Were so gallantly, yeah streaming?
And the rocket's red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave prooof through the night
That our flag was still there
Oh say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and at the home of the brave"

When I finish everyone applause reapplying there hats and I walk off
I pull my phone out of my pocket and see more unopened text from Tom

From Tom:
Liv, please answer me.

From Tom:
are you ok? it's scaring me

After I read the first message my whole body fills with guilt, I never meant to scare him just because I was scared
I go to text him back finally as someone taps my shoulder

I turn around getting met with his brown eyes
I can't help but let a smile come into my face finally seeing him again
"Tom I am so, so, sorry" I immediately apologize
"Liv it's ok" He tells me

"No it's not, I ignored you for no good reason. We go from always talking to me not replying and I didn't even think about how it would effect you. I was just scared because of the way I feel about... something and I don't want to get hurt or even just shot down because our friendship is really great and I don't want it to end but if there is anything else we shouldn't just wait for it to leave because it could be something really great and-" I rant to him as a smile comes onto his face and I am cut off by him grabbing my face and kissing me

We sit in the kiss for a second before we pull apart

"I really like you Liv and I am sorry I scared you" He says to me instantly making me happier
"I really like you too Tom" I tell him and we once again go into a kiss but this time a shorter one

"Can I watch the game with you?" He ask me making me laugh
"Of course you can, Karly is with me by the way" I tell him and we begin walking to the seats
"Who's that?"
"A friend from middle school, we do gymnastics together"

Once we make it to the seats Karly isn't there, she texted me a second ago saying she was in line at concessions

"I am going to go find Karly, I want food." I tell Tom
"Do you want anything?" I ask him
"Just a coke please"
"Got it" I stand up and start walking away but Tom grabs my hand holding me back
I look at him confused but he gives me a quick kiss and I laugh before walking to Karly

"Kar" I say getting her attention
She motions for me to come join her so I do
"Good job" She gives me a high five
"I have something to tell you" I say
"He is here" I tell her and she automatically knows who

"No way, what happened?" She ask interested and I show her the text
"And then he came up behind me and I started ranting apologizing and then he kissed me and said he really likes me so I told him the same" I tell her
"Are you dating?" Karly looks up at me

I shake my head in response
"Not yet"


"Bye Karley I will see you tomorrow" I give my friend a hug before walking back to my car with Tom
He ubered here so I am taking him back to my apartment

"Do you have practice tomorrow?" Tom ask me
"No, we have workout though" I frown making him chuckle

"What time?" He ask me
"Do you want to go get breakfast in the morning?" Tom says hopefully
"Sure, I just need to be home by 12"

The ride home takes longer because of all the traffic from it being game day so we get home around 11

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask grabbing Goldfish from the pantry
"Gosh it's so quite without Anna and Connor here" I laugh
"Where are they?"

"Anna said she is going out to eat after the game so she will be here later"

I turn on the the TV and start scrolling the options when I land on one turning my head to Tom in approval but he laughs then nods before I turn on Spider-man Far from home and getting under a blanket

"Your American accent is really good" I say randomly
"Thank you" He says in it
"But I like your British better" I pat his leg going back to the movie

When it gets to the bus scene I laugh he he turns to me confused
"Sorry, I have just seen some edits with that scene..." I say trying not to tell to much
"Oh my God... I have seen those, kind of hoped no one else did" He says with a red face

By the time the movie is over, I had already fallen asleep on the couch beside Tom


btw this is the edit i am talking about lol


lmk ur reaction to it because DAMN

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