Chapter Eleven

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I lay awake in bed thoughts of the blonde boy from earlier flew around in my mind keeping me up also Louis and Eleanor's loud moans and yells from in the bedroom beside mine.

There was something familiar about him but I can't seem to place him. His name tag read Niall. A name that rung bells in my mind.

Then a memeory locked into my mind came back to me.

"Niall." I whine as I pull on his sleeve as we sat in the canteen. "What hazza?" He chuckles picking up his cheeseburger and taking a bite. " Please come to Felicity's party with me." I beg. He looks over at me annoyed as he swallows his burger. " No Harry I have to study."

I lean back in my seat and cross my arms, annoyed with Irish boy. I huff as he looks over at me and rolls his eyes. "Come on Ni just one party and its my last day before X-factor auditions. I wanna hang with all my friends, exspecially you my best mate."

He stays slient for a while a thinking look on his beautiful face. I never noticed how beautiful he was till now. With his index finger patting his chin, his brows furrowed in thought. He's beyond beautiful.

I shake my head to rid of those thoughts he's my best mate and he doesn't like me that way and I'm not gay.

He finally looks at me and frowns a bit. " Fine I'll go with you." I sit up and pull him into a hug. "Yay! Finally Nini agrees to come with me!" I cheer. He chuckles and pats my back as I pull away. "Your something else hazza. " he says and I grin in reply.

I jump out of bed which was to quickly, so I slipped on my sheet and fell face first to the floor. I groan and hear my bedroom door open. "Oi haz you love the floor that much?" I hear Louis laugh out.

I roll my eyes and stand up dusting of my pj pants. Looking up I see Louis in his boxers leaning against the door frame. " Why are you up anyway?" He asks. " I could ask you the same thing." He smirks. " Been up giving El the time of her life." I give him a fake disgusted face. " To much information."

He chuckles lightly and stands up straight. " Your just jealous that I'm getting some and your not." I pick up my pillow and throw it at him, hitting him in the face.

He gives me a mock hurt look and I laugh. " Get out of my room, you prick." I say and push him out my room and close the door in his face.

"No haz don't close the door on me, I still love you." He dramatically yells through the door. " Go to bed, you idiot." I yell back and shake my head. "Fine have it your way Harold." I hear him retreat back to his room as i climb back into bed.

Laying back down, I sink back into my thoughts if Niall. I have to see him again, apologize for losing contact with him. Maybe we could because the best of mates again. I nod my head. Tomorrow I'll visit Harveys? Hannah? Hannah's Hamburgers.

Hey my babes. I might make this story a little dirty if u know what I mean. Hope u liked it. QOTD: WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN WHEN HARRY GOES TO SEE NIALL AGAIN?!! LOL. Have a liamlisious day. Ps Liam is sexy so I put a pick of him on the side.

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