Part 1: rebirth...?

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It's dark.
Y/n suddenly opens his eyes. 'Where the hell is he?' He thought as he got up. Wait a second.... Why does he look like a child? Maybe that damn ad had to do something with it. You walk around this place. Seems like a cemetery of some sort. You continue walking until you find the docks. 'Maybe this could get me out of here.' You thought. As you got in, you drove off. As your on the boat, you notice a house nearby. 'Maybe they have answers to where the hell you are?' You thought once again. As you pull up on the docks, you noticed the island and became terrified. "Hallam Island" the sign read. You know what this place is. Best to keep on going. You take a long walk until you reach the house. You pause for a second. 'Should I really do this?' You though. You decided enough was enough and ringed the doorbell. As soon as you did, you hear footsteps and hear an "I got it!" and the door opens to reveal a kid wearing a red sweatshirt. "Hello? Can I help you stranger?" He asks you. 'That's Seth Smiles.' You thought in your head. "Hello? I was wondering where I am since not so long ago I woke up in another island which was a cemetery." You asked politely. "Oh, well come on in!" Seth said as he opened the door for you to come in. You did so and a man with two other kids came to see what was going on. You introduce yourself and they do the same. So the boy wearing the red sweatshirt is named Seth, the girl wearing blue is named Claire, the boy wearing yellow is named Matthew, and the man in black is named Robert. They are all what's left of the Smiles family, apparently. So Robert asks the other kids to go back to watching TV for a second while me and Robert talk. After they leave, Robert tells me to follow him outside. He asks me "How did you get here? Where are your parents?" "I woke up in the cemetery while I don't have parents, and am currently an orphan, most likely." I responded. "I have an idea, but I'm not sure if your okay with it or not. I'm welcoming you to be a part of the Smiles family, if you want. You don't have to, if you want to look for your parents, then I can try to help you in any way I can. So what's it gonna be?" "I'm sorry Robert, but I can't be a part of your family. I am just trying to find another family, and I feel like it will be harder. Do you have any other options?" I ask. "Well, I know a friend named Danstickman that could take you in. As for now, while I contact Dan, you should go watch TV with the others. Sound good?" Robert smiled. I smile back. "yeah, I'll do that. As for Dan, tell him thanks for taking me in." "No problem kiddo, I'll let you go now." He says as he heads inside. I watch the sun a little bit and then head in to watch TV with Seth, Matthew, and Claire. As we did, they asked various questions. "So, Y/n, how old are you?" Seth asks with curiosity. "11 and a half." I respond, drinking some cola. "Woah! Your older than Matthew!" Seth says amazed. "Huh, looks like we have a little competition on our hands." Matthew says with interest. "Yeah, let's see how much you'll lose." I say giving him a noogie. "Agh, stop that! Only Seth gets those!" Matthew says in bits of laughter. "How does it feel then, to get noogied now!" Seth says while laughing. "Oh, grow up, you guys!" Claire says rolling her eyes. I look at her. "Since when were you the oldest?" Matthew say in a joking matter. "Since forever!" She says. "Nuh-uh!" Mathew comments with his tongue out, making raspberry noises. "Yuh-uh!" Claire says back. "Y/n, come here for a second." Robert says. I get up and walk over to him. "So it's gonna take a bit for Dan to get over here to pick you up. For now, you'll sleep here for tonight. Understand?" "Got it! I'll let them know." I run back. "Guys, guys! I'm sleeping here for tonight!" "Oh, cool!" They all say. They all look at each other and laugh. Later on, we go to sleep. Turns out, Y/n was sleeping on the couch, blanket over his body. Everyone in the house was asleep, except for Claire. She was up thinking: 'whenever I'm around Y/n, I feel really happy. What is this feeling? I'll ask Dad about it later.' Claire thinks as she falls asleep and starts dreaming about her and Y/n with that same strange feeling.


WOO PART ONE IS OUT! Writing this is actually really fun. Imma continue later. For now, peace out my homies.

-hourglass doggo

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