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He pushed his lips on your neck, planting soft delicate kisses all along your neck and jawline. His hands trailing over your stomach, grazing your bare skin.
"Zhongli..." you gasp out as he softly bites down on a sensitive spot.
"Earlier, at Wangshu Inn, what did you mean?" His voice vibrated against your skin, making your whole face go red.
"I'm sorry Zhongli, but I don't understand..."

"You told the Traveler that we weren't technically Lovers...do you not see me as one? I had assumed we had settled this as soon as you appeared back here. Perhaps I had mistaken, and you don't care for me as much as I care for you."

Your heart dropped, you had to choose your words very carefully as to not royally fuck this up. Had you not made it clear enough?

You realized, you both were scared beyond belief, the only reason you weren't together was, yourselves. You didn't want to risk the chance that the other didn't reciprocate, so none of you made the first move.

"You're leading me on...aren't you? Seeing Mr. Zhongli of the Parlor finally love something, to show more emotion?" You bit your bottom lip in guilt, of course you weren't, but you look back, it definitely did seem like it.

"Zhongli...no. I care about you, a lot. I want to be together, but...I want to fully understand Teyvat, my role in everything, and even my own vision before I feel comfortable dating. Trust me, please. Just, wait a bit more, okay?" You turn to face him, your face wrinkled in fear. He sighed and laid his forehead against yours.
"I-...I apologize, I got ahead of myself, you aren't the type of woman to do that...forgive me." You smile and rub his cheek, kissing the other.
"There's nothing to forgive~" You both quietly laugh and smile, you were a bunch of idiots when it came to this kind of thing.

"I should go back downstairs, stay here, I'll come and get you when this all passes over. Okay?" Zhongli cups your hand and goes back downstairs, leaving you to scrunch your legs up to your chest. You watch intently at the battle ongoing outside, clenching your hands together in anxiety.

"I can't do this anymore..." You groan and rush out of the room and down stairs, swinging on a bar as you grab Hu Tao's spear, which was leaning against the wall.

"Woah! N/n where are you going? And why do you have my spear?!" Hu Tao ran over to you and grabbed onto your arm, to which you tugged back.

"I can't just sit by watching people getting slaughtered out there."

"The only people getting killed are the Fatui. So stay put until this all blows over." Hu Tao smiled sheepishly and waved back to the group group startled employees.

"HEY! She's Fatui! She's probably going to go and help them, that's the whole reason she's here isn't it?! Get out of here Harbinger!" A frightened mortician points his finger at you and hides behind another employee, making the others all a bit on edge. You look around, everyone...including Zhongli...had a worried look on their face. Were they all afraid of you? But...

You growl and grip onto Hu Tao's Staff of Homa, busting the door open in anger. You run over to the wharf as fast as you can, trying to figure out a way to get up to the Jade Chamber. You look around at the destroyed and waterboarded shops, numerous merchandise shredded along the flooded streets. Once you were at the docks, you found a lucky spot that wasn't only dry, but debris from the Guizhong Ballista's in the sky caught on fire. Taking no time to smile, you channel a large amount of electro in the palm of your hand, gaining distance from the fire as to not shock your yourself too badly. You found another flat piece big enough for you to crouch on, and leaned that against the flaming debris.

See, your science was that, you could make an overloaded reaction happen with the fire and your vision. That would make an explosion, and hopefully with the amount of electro you made, the explosion would be strong enough to propell you upward to at least grab onto the ledge of the Jade Chamber.

You grab out a Fatui mask and cover your face for protection, not thinking and just releasing the electro, making the piece of stone leaned against the fire shoot upward. You manage to grab on just in time, wincing at the sharp edges cutting into your hand as your other desperately grip onto the polearm. You look down as to not be hit with wind, feeling like needles on every part of your exposed skin.

You sigh in relief as you look back up, the Jade Chamber within reach. You feel the stones speed slow, and you know that you only only a small amount of time to get up there. You pull yourself up onto the stones surface and jump up, stabbing the Staff of Homa blades into a crack into the Jade Chambers floor. You catch your breath as fast as you can, quickly pulling yourself up and scanning the situation. You look everywhere for Kuroki, but there was too much chaos for you to pinpoint him.

"God...no time to think.." You gasp out, gathering yourself and quickly running into the madness, your only objective was to get Kuroki and get out of there. You push through soilders of both sides, dodging spears, arrows, and other various elemental attacks as they all mistake you for being on the other side. You didn't mind, because no matter what you did you couldn't pick a side.

Let's say you fought against the Fatui- every Fatui member who survived and saw you would report you to the Tsaritsa, that would surely get you killed for treason. But if you sided with the Fatui, then Ningguang would never let you stay, you'd become a national enemy as much as any other Fatui Harbingers. Right now you were in a stagnant state of everyone being on edge about you, your reputation could swing either way. So you ran, ran across everything. Under Keqing fighting with a Fatui agent, under the Traveler speeding around the platform with the help of the Adepti, and around the guizhong ballista's firing rapidly. You find a high spot, jumping up and teleporting over to it, trying to find Kuroki amongst the madness.

To your relief, you find Kuroki leaning against the wall, clearly very injured with burn, and frostbite from various Fatui attacks, but still alive. You drop down onto the battlefield, attacking anyone and everyone who tried to grab onto you. You felt bad for banging up Hu Tao's polearm, but it could always be fixed...

"KUROKI!!" You strap the Staff of Homa to your clothing and grab onto Kuro's shoulders. He coughs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his glove ripped showing more cuts.
"Huh...? N/n? N/n! N/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Kuroki throws your arms off of him and pulls you into his protection, looking around, "How did you get up here?!"

"That doesn't matter, we need to get you out of here. Right now." You grab onto his wrists, pulling him towards solid ground.
"No! I have a job to do! I'll fight until I know everyone everyone safe!"

"Oh don't pull that horse shit with me. All you care about is Lady Keqing. She's fine- but you're not. C'mon you're injuries are serious. Please Kuro?" You smile and intertwine your hands together. Kuro begins to speak, but then pauses, sighs, and slowly nods. You gasp out in relief and smile.
"Okay, c'mon, we gotta clean those cu-"

You pause as the ground beneath you both begins to shake, making you worried. You tighten your grip on Kuro, looking up at him as

The ground disappeared

Ley Line Eyes (ℤ𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕚 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now