"im gonna fuck you up bozo" the blonde says to ed sheeran ginger "try me 🤣" tartaglia says as they both get into a fighting stance,
"omg.. whats happening 😧" y/n says "YASSS FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" chrollo chants from y/n's side. blondie and ed sheeran start fighting, blondie kurapica eventually uses his chain heart on childe! but what noone noticed is that he also used the chain heart thing on lovely y/n!!!!
all of a sudden, the greatest song in the world, HELLO by twice came on out of nowhere! "OH SHIT THIS IS MY BOP 😱" ginger childe screams. while tartaglia was distracted kurapika punched him so hard he couldnt even hear the amazing music.. "why the hell would you do that. 😐😐" the ginger said to the attractive blonde "because you're annoying dumb bitch. no one likes this song except for you bozo" kurapika said in a monotonous voice "oh no you did not.." childe says and he like gets up, recovers immediately and beats up kurapika to a pulp. it was like he was the stongest person in yhe room! childe starts to drown the unconscious body of kurapika and kurapika DIES.. "onces unite uwu!!" the ginger exclaims as he highfives both chrollo and y/n!
"yas.." chrollo falters.. he's obviously so confused 😦
chrollo x reader // "what's a hoe🥺🥺♥️"
Romancechrollo and y/n go through some rough patches but in the end, they always find their way back to eachother . i don't own hxh..