Chapter 15 - omgay that is kinda homiesexual

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Albedo POV

Kaeya likes me... he likes me in a romantic way.

I'm so happy... it makes me so very happy. I don't know why... but I think I might just like him back.

His lips are so soft, I feel him accept the kiss. I pull his body close to mine, our height difference causing me to stand on my toes.

After what felt like an eternity of bliss, yet also felt like barely a millisecond of time, I slowly pull away from his face and look him in the eye. As one of them is covered by a dark eyepatch.

I open my mouth to speak, but Kaeya blurts out the words that forever changed my life before a I even utter a peep.

"Albedo, I love you."

I start to cry, but I'm not sad... infact I'm simply overjoyed. It's been only a day... but something about every gesture he's made towards me the past 5 years is starting to add up.

I flashback to grade 7 when he would stare at me in every class I thought he was being rude and that he thought I look strange...

perhaps his feelings for me are that old.

"I'm sorry!" Kaeya says, wiping my tears.

"No no, I'm just so happy" I say, smiling at him.

"oh thank god" Kaeya looks like the weight of the world has been lifted off of his shoulders. He slowly lowers himself to the ground, sitting cross legged. I follow the gesture, sitting on my knees.

"So... what are we" I ask, hopeful.

"What ever you want us to be," he says looking at me with a look that just make me want to...

His face, his hair, the way his eye sparkles, the way his lips move as he spoke.

I've never done any of this before, I've never even felt this way before.

I move over to him, I kiss him again, but this time there is more... passion?

He seemed to have sensed the change in mood, and he parts his lips ever so slightly. I taste his mouth. It feels incredible.

Kaeya slowly end up nearly laying down, him propping himself up on his back with his elbows. 

My hands are on either side of him, and his legs have straiten out and on of my legs is extended behind me, the other knee is particularly close to his crotch.

We kiss, then pull apart for air then kiss again. It's amazing but it feels like I want more... but of what?

It was so perfect... that was until the door opened...

I heard the creak of the door and quickly got off of Kaeya. I look in the door way and I see Childe...

"Oh shit, archons I didn't mean to" Childe shouts, slamming the door... or at least that's what i expected him to do...

Instead he took a picture... laughing,  he then says, 

"So now that you two are done, mind helping me find my charger? I think I left it here earlier."

The audacity of this guy, does he take this for a joke?

What if it really was a joke?

I'm just about to jump to many conclusions, when I look at Kaeya and realize how angry he is. 

He approaches Childe and hisses something in his ear, clearly furious. 

"Whoa bro, chill out, I get he's been your crush for years but how is this any different from what you've done with dozens before." Childe says, not the slightest bit put off.

Suddenly I'm scared that I might have come in-between their friendship... what if because of me...

I'm so lost in my thoughts I don't notice anything until the door shuts. 

I look at Kaeya and he starts to appoligize... I tell him it's fine and that he isn't responsible for his friends actions. 

"But I am curious, what does he mean, dozens before?"

Kaeya looks at me with an "Oh shit" expression and then he sighs and starts on the explanation.

**authors note - do you guys like my current title styles or should I start being more serious?

I have to bunk with him?!?! - A Kaebedo Modern AU Genshin FanficWhere stories live. Discover now