The beginning

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My mom yelled up to me

Narrator POV
Just then a bright little girl came bounding down the spiral staircase her blonde hair whipped back into a half up half down hairstyle her blue eyes were full of passion and happiness she stumbled down the stairs she is 12 years old. Her name is Paige Hyland

Paige's POV
Ow that hurt
Just as i stumbled down the stairwell she picked me up and asked me if i was okay and that she had big news to tell me when i got home
You see my parents divorced when i was 9 my dad said he could not handle my dance schedule he told me that he would still support me but he could not be with my mom as she was away all the time.

We go visit him every other weekend so i have 2 bedrooms his house is HUGE but my moms place is bigger my favourite part is the spiral staircase..

Narrator POV
Kelly grabbed Paiges pink and purple ombré school bag as she dashed out the door and down the long driveway to her bus stop.

Chloe's POV
PAIGIE MACK i scream to my best friend and twinnie we both have blonde hair and blue eyes so we look like twins so everyone calls us twinnies..
Just as i run to hug her Maddie Mackenzie Nia and Kendall arrive Brooke is late like always we all embrace in a huge hug we giggle and laugh just as our bus approaches.
I notice something off with Paige she seems nervous and paranoid about something but she won't tell me what is going on just then she starts crying and i just hug her so tight
"Paigie whats going on"
"Everything Chlo"

"I THINK MY MOM HAS A NEW BOYFRIEND" paige screams without realizing it

Narrator POV
Sure enough Kelly did have a new boyfriend and he wont like paige to much

New chapter tomorrow

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