Chapter 3

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  Zhou Wenfang cried and shouted: "I can't live anymore, I'll drown by jumping into this well, my sister-in-law is going to burn my sister-in-law to death, is there any reason!"

"I can't live anymore! Woohoo!"

... ...

Every family in the village is close to each other. When they heard the cry after dinner, everyone gathered around to watch the fun.

I just watched the liveliness of the Xia family during the day, and it is really interesting to come again at night. I won't be bored after dinner.

Listening to Zhou Wenfang's scolding, they all gloated in their eyes.

After all, Luo Cuilian of the Xia family was an old shrew, and no one in the eight towns could scold her, and no one in the village dared to provoke her.

Now seeing this kind of thing happen to her family, it's natural to watch the fun.

"This broken shoe that can't be married, the broken shoe that can't give birth to a son, she splashed me with an oil lamp to burn me to death!"

"Is there any reason for it! This day can't be over!"


The abuse in her mouth Vicious, the wounds on her legs and her face were also terrifying.

Xia Changgui was wiping her with shell oil: "Daughter-in-law, don't cry." Luo Cuilian was

going to sleep, but after being woken up, her face was full of anger: "What's the noise, your father is dead or your mother is dead!"

She came out , Seeing these two daughters-in-law rolling around, covered in mud, the anger in my heart is not at all.

The people in the village watched the play across the fence, and some wanted to knock melon seeds.

"Yo, who burned this Wenfang?"

"It must be peach blossoms, peach blossoms are not easy to mess with."

"Hahaha, peach blossoms burned?"


Xia Taohua came down wearing a baggy dress and heard the village aunt If so, she quickly ran out and explained, "It's not me."

She lives upstairs, so it took a while to get down.

The crying human said: "It's Xia Taozhi's broken shoes!!"

"I asked her to wash her brother's shoes, I took the baby to bed, and she burned me with an oil lamp, I'm dead!"

Taozhi listened in the room In response to her abuse, she picked up a worn-out piece of clothing from the basket, set it on fire, and threw it directly on top of her: "Do you scold again?!"

Zhou Wenfang, who was hot with tar dripping from the clothes, shouted.

Xia Changgui took off her clothes, but Zhou Wenfang's body caught fire again, so he quickly fetched water to put out the fire for her.

Xia Taozhi's actions shocked everyone, is this still the coward of the Xia family?

Taozhi gave Zhou Wenfang two feet: "You say I'm a broken shoe? Let me tell you, those bandits didn't dare to touch me at all, do you know why?"

"Because the barefooted are not afraid of those who wear shoes, and whoever touches me I will fight with him. "

Anyway, my mother doesn't care for me, my father doesn't care about me, my brother and sister-in-law bully me, what am I afraid of? The big deal is death! What am I afraid

of you guys!!" The villagers listened to her words and kept silent.

Yes, since childhood, they all knew how this peach branch was treated by their Xia family.

It's just about other people's family, they can't talk about it.

You can only laugh and discuss together with the crowd, so that you can be considered as following the crowd.

Who would pity a girl.

Taozhi looked at Zhou Wenfang: "In the future, you will wash your shoes and clothes by yourself. I have washed them for thirteen years, and that's enough!"

She didn't know Luo Cuilian's thoughts before, but she always felt that if she behaved well, her mother would definitely like her.

But later she realized that she was only born to serve Xia Taohua, so that Xia Taohua could give her more money after she entered the rich family, so that she could raise her sons and grandchildren.

She once said that she wanted to strangle herself to death.


So why should she respect her?

Besides, she will find out everything. In her last life, Luo Cuilian died before she found out the truth.

Living in the countryside, she didn't understand anything. She didn't doubt her life experience. Later, she went to the city to live, so she didn't have time to think about other things.

By the time she became famous, Luo Cuilian had already died, but she found out that Luo Cuilian had worked as a servant in Shenzhen for a period of time before.

In short, now I will no longer respect her!

Zhou Wenfang listened to her words and thought about what happened to her, she was indeed a little scared, her face was burnt and painful.

Luo Cuilian looked at Xia Taozhi with panic in her eyes, no, she must marry her quickly.

She couldn't wait for six days!

Taozhi glanced at Luo Cuilian, Xia Youde was standing beside her, and Xia Youde didn't dare to look at her.

"Sangu, you filthy shoe! You are not allowed to bully my mother!" Several children picked up stones and threw them at her.

"Broken shoes! Broken shoes!" They were only five or six years old, so they didn't know what broken shoes meant, but their mother was talking about it for a day today, and they knew that the third aunt was called broken shoes.

The peach branch was hit by a stone, picked it up and threw it back, smashing the heads of several little kids.

Who is polite to them! His parents don't teach, she will teach!

"Xia Taozhi, you little hoof!!" Seeing that she had hit her precious grandson, Luo Cuilian immediately ran over to protect them, and cursed at Taozhi: "You still dare to hit my grandson, please get out of here! Marry you out!!"

Taozhi rubbed the smashed hand: "You can do it!" The

three children cried, their heads bleeding.

Zhou Wenfang on the ground hugged them and cried, Xia Changgui suddenly stood up, he rushed over to hit the peach branch, and the peach branch naturally wouldn't let him hit, she picked up the hoe next to her and planned to use it to fight back, and she saw it before she moved. Someone stopped in front of him.

Xie Yan was already pinching Xia Changgui's wrist.

Taozhi looked at his broad back, turned his head away, his eyes were a little sour, how could it be him again!

She saw Liu Shuming hiding in the corner, and he came too, but he didn't care about her at all.

Taozhi naturally didn't have any hope for him, the only person in this world that can be trusted is you.

When she solves the dog and the sex, she will be separated from the Xia family.

She is not allowed to do business now, and being caught is a serious crime of speculation. It is difficult to sell her things, and she will try her best to find a way.

Xie Yan let go of Xia Changgui's hand, and his voice was cold and severe: "She is your sister, you can't hit her."

Xia Changgui was afraid of Xie Yan, after all, Xie Yan dared to fight even bandits, and he was notorious for his death.

"It's none of your business if I teach my sister?" He rubbed his red hand, which was so powerful!

Xie Yan's tone was cold: "Anyway, you are not allowed to touch her."

A voice came from the crowd: "Xie Yan, what is your relationship with her? You won't have a share in the bandit den, right?"

I don't know who said it, There are a lot of people.

But Taozhi saw that Liu Shuming said it, so he squatted beside the haystack after he finished speaking.

People in the village watching the play naturally looked at the two with strange eyes.

Xie Yan's face was slightly cold, he quickly jumped over the fence and rushed out, took Liu Shuming out, and threw it on the ground.

Liu Shuming, who had no power to tie the chicken, was his opponent. He was thrown on the ground like a chicken and fell all over the mud.

Liu Shuming blushed, looked at the eyes of the villagers, and quickly stood up: "Xie Yan, what do you mean?!"

Xie Yanke didn't care whether he was the village chief's youngest son or not, he gave him a kick in the stomach, Liu Shuming squatted down holding his stomach in pain, his face pale: "You bum, if you talk nonsense again, I will pull out your dog's tongue! "

Others didn't dare to help. In the village, the party secretary coaxed Xie Yan, for fear that he would make trouble, who would dare to come forward now.

Xia Taohua hurried to help Liu Shuming, she felt distressed, but she didn't dare to scold Xie Yan, because it was really terrible when Xie Yan raised his eyebrows.

Taozhi looked at Liu Shuming: "You disappointed me too much."

Xie Yan was secretly happy, but she heard her continue: "I will marry you in the future, and I will teach you how to talk."

Xie Yan's face darkened, this Are women pigs? !

Does she still want to marry him? !

His chest heaved up and down with anger, and he really wanted to catch her up and beat her.

Taozhi looked at everyone in the village: "We have to go to work tomorrow, everyone should go to bed early."

After she finished speaking, she turned and entered the room, too lazy to say anything.

Luo Cuilian, the old hen, had been silent all the time. She was clucking normally, but now she was a little unusually quiet.

When Li Dongmei came, she heard that her son was beaten by Xie Yan, she didn't dare to scold Xie Yan loudly, she could only help her son home, and scolded Taozhi as a broom star.

After the villagers dispersed, Zhou Wenfang cried and cleaned the wounds of several children and coaxed them to sleep.

She really knows now that Xia Taozhi is not afraid of anything.

Even her own nephew was beaten!

"Changgui, how powerful are Dawang and Erwang, and where can they be thrown at her? She actually picked up a stone and smashed it at their head. If it's a bad thing, what should I do?"

She Crying and wiping her tears: "I won't dare to mess with her in the future."

Her face still hurts.

Xia Changgui applied medicine to her: "I didn't expect the third sister to be so fierce now."

He remembered what his mother said, let Xia Taozhi do everything, and she came to Xia's house to atone for her sins.

Therefore, since childhood, he rarely regarded her as his sister.

I feel that she speaks very little, is still very stupid, and is not as smart as Peach Blossom.

Xia Changgui sighed: "Don't worry about her in the future, she is about to get married anyway."

Zhou Wenfang remembered something and asked in a low voice, "Changgui, what do you think Xie Yan's local ruffian bully has to do with your third sister?"

Xia Changgui remembered the look in Xie Yan's eyes when he looked at him, and he was a little timid: "Maybe he likes Xia Taozhi too."

Zhou Wenfang gloated: "Then your sister is really unlucky, then Xie Yan is a nemesis. Several girls approached him before, no A broken hand is a broken foot, and I have been lying in the hospital in the city for several days."

Now she wished that Xia Taozhi couldn't marry Liu Shuming, and instead married the local rascal Xie Yan.

If she felt better, maybe Xie Yan killed her in two days.

That's the best!

She really hates her now, there must be scars on the burnt part of the thigh, but not on the face.

"I heard that too." Xia Changgui put away the medicine: "Just let her be, I won't treat her as a sister in the future!"

Her life or death had nothing to do with him!

Taozhi was sitting on the bed. Her room was in the woodshed, separated by an earthen wall, and behind the earthen wall was the place where the sundries were piled up.

There is only one wooden bed that can be put down here, and she is lying on the wooden bed.

Where the feet were placed, there was a basket with her clothes neatly folded.

Sitting on the bed, she took out a small lamp and read an English book.

The small table lamp is in the supermarket. She found that the supermarket can be charged, which means that this space is like a real building.

The worst in her last life was English, so it was difficult for her business to develop abroad, and she always brought an interpreter with her every time she went abroad.

She has never been to school. She was a dormitory aunt in the school for the characters she knew in her previous life.

Therefore, since she left the village at the age of eighteen and went out to wander, she has experienced too much.

Picking up scrap metal, washing dishes, cleaning the company, being a dormitory at school, cleaning...

She has done all of them. In school, after she finishes her work, she can go to the classroom to listen to the class. .

The teachers are very nice and she has learned a lot from it.

Of course, there are also cold eyes.

Even if she was an entrepreneur in her previous life, she was ridiculed for not having primary school culture.

If possible, she would like to go to a better school when the college entrance examination resumes in 1978.

Not to show others, just to prove herself, she can do it on her own!

She lit the lamp and wrote the words, and if she didn't understand, she tried to read it with the reading machine sold in the supermarket.

She doesn't plan to live in this space all her life, she has ambitions!

She wants to be better!

Hope to contribute to the country.

Now that the country is developing, only if there are many aspiring young people unite, will we not repeat the same mistakes and will not be bullied again.

So she wants to learn a lot of things. The materials in this building can only give her confidence, but this confidence does not mean that she is proud of living by this.

She has too much to do.

She was able to become an entrepreneur, and the country gave her a lot of help. You must know that at that time, the country was still paying off foreign debts.

But the country has never forgotten them and will give them business support.

In those dark days, she received a lot of help from the government, and now that she has the ability, she also wants to give back.

There are many children like her who are eager to study but have no chance. If she has a stable life and is capable, she will also want to help the country relieve the pressure.

Taozhi has a hard-working mentality in her heart, so she also studies very hard.

Just thinking about it, she saw a dark shadow flashing across the window, and there was something on her window.

She took out a bottle of anti-wolf spray from the space: "Who is outside?" There was

no sound, and she looked at what was outside, worried that it was a landmine.

She opened the window and looked at it. She picked it up suspiciously. It was a bottle of medicine with a few words on it: "Both trauma medicine."

She looked around and saw no one, so she unlocked the window. Well, after smelling the medicine, it is indeed the treatment of bruises in this era.

She put it aside. She had wiped the medicine just now. There was a medicine cabinet in her office with a little medicine in it.


she looked at the medicine and suddenly thought of Xie Yan, should it be him just now?

After all, only that guy is so tall.

Taozhi has never understood why Xie Yan likes him, because he looks good?

Impossible, is that guy so superficial?

There are also many beautiful girls in the village.

I don't understand -

anyway, although she is grateful to him now, speaking of love, maybe not yet, after all, the impression that guy left on her before was too bad.

Phew, he saved himself, he really had to change his mind about him.

This has to come little by little, she can't rush up and say she wants to marry him now, this... She is too rational to do such a thing.

However, she will sort out her thoughts quickly.

She continued to look down at the book.

Outside, Xie Yan squatted behind the haystack, and saw her take the medicine in, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Then black face again, damn it!

Why is Lao Tzu so nice to other women!

Xie Yan, you are a bitch!

The next day...

Taozhi went out to work, and Xia Taohua was waiting for her at the door.

"Mom is sick, the second sister-in-law is recovering at home, and everyone else has gone to work."


She doesn't care about others.

Xia Taohua tugged at her sleeve and whispered, "I'll definitely get something today, you're right!"

Taozhi shook her off: "As soon as possible."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the yard.

Xia Taohua stomped her feet angrily in the back, where did Xia Taozhi have such madness.

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