Chapter 223-224

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 Taozhi shook her head: "Forget it."

She had no interest in taking care of anything in the village.

Now she runs her own business and has no conflict of interest with the villagers.

Otherwise, the village will be big and there will be a lot of shit.

Chen Zhishu was a little helpless and disappointed when he heard the words: "Taozhi, let me tell you the truth, I will be transferred next year, and this time I will go directly to Anshi."

Before Taozhi could congratulate, he heard him continue: "This village is mine. After I left my hometown, the place where I stayed the longest seems to be my hometown, and the villagers and elders are also my relatives."

"I hope that after I leave, everyone can live a good life and at least have enough to eat."

"New The party secretary has not yet been determined, if you can become the village head, I can guarantee that you will be the new party secretary when you arrive!"

Taozhi didn't speak, the cake was big and round, but it couldn't be full.

She put down the teacup and looked at him seriously: "Secretary, I still say that, no matter what I can achieve in the future, I will never be the village head."

"I am very grateful for your care for me in the past, But I have more than enough strength, this matter is not suitable for me, you can find someone who is more suitable."

Chen Zhishu wanted to persuade, but looking at her firm appearance, he was a little helpless, so he could only nod his head: "Okay. Come on, Taozhi, I respect your opinion."

Indeed, if she didn't do it, she wouldn't be able to put a knife around her neck and let her be the village chief.

Chen Zhishu stood up, and then sat down again: "Then Taozhi, do you see who is more suitable in this village?"

Taozhi smiled lightly: "I don't know who is suitable for this in the village, but everyone has the right to vote, you can ask People in the village vote by themselves, and everyone has the right to vote and to be elected."

Chen Zhishu was a little excited when he heard this: "Taozhi, you are right!"

He immediately stood up: "I will post the list now, and the election will be made within this month. suitable person."

He walked out quickly, with a look of surprise on his face after solving this problem.

Taozhi was sitting in her yard, listening to the clucking of the old hen, she stood up and went back to the room.

Her own porridge is still not cold, and she doesn't care about other people's.

In the room, this room is well-organized, and in the cabinet are her and Xie Yan's clothes.

Taozhi sat under the windowsill, staring at the scenery by the river in a daze.

Today, when Xie Yan came back late, Taozhi felt the sound of him going to bed only after he slept, and he fell asleep without saying a word.

When he woke up the next day, he cooked porridge.

Xie Yan put the porridge on the stone table, put on his coat and left: "daughter-in-law, remember to drink it, I'm busy again recently, and I received a big order. You take good care of yourself, I'll go home every day."

But Taozhi stopped him from walking: "Xie Yan! In this way, if you have time, let's tidy up the houses in the city and live in the city for a few days."

Xie Yan looked at her seriously and nodded. : "Okay, daughter-in-law, I'll listen to you, I'll see tomorrow morning, let's go together."

Taozhi nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Xie Yan left on a women's bicycle.

Taozhi didn't ride this bike for a long time. He was riding it all. I knew it would be better to buy the kind of 28 bicycle that a man rides.

She was bored at home, so she went into the space and studied the things in this space.

Or in a movie theater, put on a movie.


  Taozhi still decided, whether Xie Yan could find the bracelet or not, she waited for Xie Yan to stop and told him about the space.

Let's not talk about the past life.

It was her own secret, and he didn't want Xie Yan to have regrets in his heart.

Those regrets are left to her.

Taozhi really wanted to sit here with Xie Yan and watch a movie.

These stories are happier if someone shares them with them.

She has now completely trusted Xie Yan, so she will not have any reservations about him.

The worries in Taozhi's heart dissipated a lot at once.

Seeing that it was almost time, she thought that she hadn't taken a bath in the hot spring in the space for a long time.

She went to soak one, and she found that the water was really comfortable.

Bathing is the most comfortable, as if the pores of the body have been opened, and everything looks so beautiful.

After taking a bath, I wanted to sleep, Taozhi left the space and slept at home until it was dark.

When Xie Yan came back, she hadn't cooked yet.

Who knew that Xie Yan turned around and entered his small room, and Taozhi had time to cook.

After finishing the meal, Xie Yan still didn't come out.

"Xie Yan has eaten!"

Xie Yan's voice was loud: "Daughter-in-law, you eat first, I will solve this problem before I come out."


Taozhi went to eat first.

When she was watching the stars at the door after eating, she found that the weather was getting colder and colder.

She went back to the room and added a coat. Seeing the electric fan in the corner, she always thought that it could be put away and used again next year.

Hearing the movement outside, she went out and saw Xie Yan. He looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, I solved another problem. The book you gave is amazing."

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

After reading the book, he understands a lot, and it is more stable in practice.

Xie Yan sat on the stool and ate a big mouthful: "Daughter-in-law, those returnees are still lying in the hospital now."

"I'm really useless, they are too weak."

Taozhi looked at him with her head supported: "I don't want it in the future. There are always fights, I'm worried that if someone hits you, our family will lose money, but your health is the most important thing, do you hear?"

Xie Yan couldn't help laughing when he heard her words: "Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I didn't lose the fight. I did." The

daughter-in-law didn't stop him from fighting, but told him that it was okay to fight, but not to hurt herself.

Xie Yan remembered in his heart that others can lie down, but he cannot.

Taozhi shook his head slightly, did this guy understand?

Her eyes flashed slightly, and she approached him with a smile: "Xie Yan, do you want to watch a movie?"

Xie Yan was silent for two seconds: "A movie, a martial arts movie?"

Taozhi whispered: "Any movie."

She The cinema has been upgraded, and now many future films have been refreshed, and she thinks it is very good.

"Where are you looking?" Xie Yan's eyes lit up: "I want to see the one the old man told me, what is it called Shaolin Temple."

Taozhi looked at him at this time and felt as if he could borrow his time and tell him about the space What happened...

"Actually, I..."

"Where is Taozhi and Xie Yan at home?!" Taozhi was about to say, when she saw two people walking to his door.

Taozhi frowned, and she looked at Xie Yan.

These two couples are well-known in the village who love to make small reports. They used to hang out with Li Dongmei's family, and everyone didn't want to communicate with them.

What are you doing to find his house at this time?

Xie Yan was eating and ignored the two.

Taozhi stood up and saw a few eggs in their hands. She narrowed her eyes: "Aunt Liu and Uncle Liu, this is..."

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