How's Arya???

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Amesthyst's POV

I picked up all of the bloody gauze and threw them into the trash can.  I glanced over to where the girl was lying unconscious.  I could hear her pulse steadying itself.  I lifted the corners of my mouth tiredly.  I spent over six hours trying to keep her alive.  I checked the bag of werewolf blood that James had given me for her.  It was working pretty well.  I had changed the bandages about five or ten minutes ago.  I double checked them to make sure blood had bleed through them yet.  Once I was satisfied when her bandages, I looked at her.  She had either black hair or dark brown hair, it was hard to tell since the room wasn't lit very much around her any more.  She looked pale.  Her skin might of had a bit more color before she nearly bleed to death.  She was rather fit.   A knock at the door threw me out of my thoughts.  I walked over to the door and opened it slightly.  A young man stood there.  He had shaggy brown hair and light brown eyes.  He stood a head taller than me.  I'm guessing that he's about 5' 10" considering the fact that I'm five, like five feet tall.  His brown eyes stared into my face.

"Can I see her?  Or can she not be seen?" He asked me with a British accent.

"You have to be quiet though.  She's sleeping at the moment.  You're lucky that the others found you when they did.  She wouldn't have lived through it." I tell him as I open the door wider for him to come.  He stepped and side and looked at her.  She had bandages over both of her hands.  Her right arm had a bandage covering a long and deep knife wound.  She had several small cuts on her face.  The knife that I'd found around her neck had cut into her chest.  The wounds that were on her chest weren't as bad as the cut on her arm, but they were still pretty bad.  The guy sucked in his breathe at the sight of her.  I spotted two other guys out in the living room when I checked to see if someone else wanted to come in.  Someone tapped my shoulder.  I turned around and saw the guy standing there.

"Thank you.  Some of the other members in my family would've killed me if she'd died." He thanked me.

"Your welcome ummmmm." I start to say before I remember that I didn't know his name.

"Liam.  Liam Payne." Liam answers for me.

"Thanks.  Your welcome Liam.  I don't like letting someone die if I can't do anything about it." I tell him. "Do you think you could watch her for a minute or two?  I want to check on something really quick." I ask Liam.

"Of course.  It's the least that I could for getting you save Arya's life." He says agreeing to look after her.

"Arya?" I question him.

"That's her name." He explains.

"Ahhhhh." I say as I leave.  I walk out of the room and close the door softly.  I head out into the living room.  There were the two guys that I'd seen earlier from the medical room.

"Amesthyst." A deep voice called out to me.  The two other guys looked up from the food that Rebecca and Elizabeth had made for them.  I turned to look at the owner of the deep voice.  James' emerald eyes were staring at me.  He walked over to me and looked down at me.  It really didn't help the fact that he's over a foot taller than me.

"Yes James?" I ask him, with my dark chocolate eyes staring up at him.

"How is she?" He asks me.

"She's alive.  I'll have to change her bandages in ten minutes or so in order to keep her wounds clean." I say with a shrug.

"How bad are her wounds?" One of the guys with curly brown hair asks me.

"Bad enough that she would've died if she came five minutes later than she did.  She has some light scratches on her cheeks.  She has a few deep scratches on her hands.  She has a long and deep cut on her right arm.  The cut I'm guessing came from the knife that I found around her neck.  The wound had several veins cut open.  That nearly killed her.  She also has about maybe three or four cuts on her chest area because the knife was hanging there without anything covering it.  As you guys moved her around, the knife must of cut into her chest." I tell them without hesitating.  The one with curly hair seemed to be surprised by the fact that she had a knife.  The other boy with brown hair hair as well flinched when he heard me talking about the knife cutting into her chest.  Then I noticed that he had some sores on his arms and several cuts on his hands and a few on his face as well.  I darted over to him and gently pulled him to his feet.  I tugged him towards the medical room.  He frown at me not understanding what I was trying to do. "I'm going to clean those cuts of yours wither you like it or not." I told him as I firmly yanked him into the medical room.  I pushed him into an open chair that was in the room.  I walked over and picked up some more gauze and the almost empty bottle of peroxide.  I grabbed a couple of bandages and about five or six band-aides.  I walked over to him and set the stuff down on a table that was near the chair that Louis was sitting in.  I wet some of the gauze with some peroxide and walked over to the guy in the.  I looked over at Liam who was staring at me curiously. "Liam?  What's his name?" I ask Liam as I point to the guy sitting in the chair.

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