The Necklace

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The Emperor's  POV

The Royal Council, Joseph, Jonathan, Benjamen, Thomas, Franklin, Jonsseph, and I sat in silence.

"We should call them." Thomas spoke up, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had hung over us for the past quarter of an hour. "So that way we can question them.  They could be the ones."

"How do we know that they weren't faking it?" Joseph countered Thomas. "The last time we thought two children were the chosen ones, they tricked us and nearly destroyed Alalëa, the rock  that held the dragon!  We cannot afford to misplace trust again.  Alalëa too delicate to bear even a slight blow.  It's too dangerous."

"What if you both are right?  What if they know who they are and wish to harm the dragon?" Benjamen wonders aloud, combining both of their arguments.

"NO!!!!  They are connected to the dragon itself.  If the dragon gets harmed, they will feel it.  They would not kill something that they are so closely bonded to." Jonsseph argues.

"But what if they do not realize they have that bond until it's too late.  Or what if the bond they are supposed to have is just a lie made to bring false hope." Jonathan brings up a thought that has been though over everyone at least once before.

"Then all hope is lost.  We just might as well give in now and let us succumb to the might of our enemy and who knows when they might attack.  We've all been waiting for over seventy years now for them to come.  They never have.  There have been one of two sightings within the past few years but nothing too serious has ever happened." Franklin brings up more negativity to add on to what Jonathan had spoke.

"That is what has me worried." I speak after listening to everyone's thoughts. "These one or two sightings many have been soldiers scouting the area they plan to attack.  I am afraid that we will be the first they will attack.  We are the strongest out of all the super natural beings that are left."  Everyone quiets down as they all process what I had just said.

"Theeee beesssst thiiingg to doo nowww is preeparee for warrr." The Royal Council hiss in their snake like voices with strange clicks and chirps coming out with the words.  The Royal Council all stand up and files out the room leaving the room with pure silence.

"We should do what they said to do.  This is the second time they've told us to prepare.  Thomas, do you think you could start to rally up the soldiers?" I ask Thomas, my best general.

"Yes I can and I will do it.  The Royal Council don't normally give out more than one warning.  This must bigger than we think it is." Thomas says as he gets up to leave the room.

"Jonsseph and Franklin.  I want the two of you to go and get the three prisoners and bring them into my secret chambers.  I would like the rest of you to be there as well.  I want all of you there in an hour." I say as I stand up and walk briskly out of the room with my cape billowing behind me and my many, questioning thoughts rolling through my mind.

Brad's POV

"Hey Brad!  Brad!  Brad!!!  BRAD!!!!" The twins, Ricky and Chris, cry repeatedly as they rush into the room and gathered everyone's, whether they were in the room or not, attention.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?" I screech loud enough for them to hear me over their chanting.

"Ricky and I-" Chris starts to say...

"-were out patrolling the-" ...and Ricky finishes what Chris was trying to say...

"-borders like you-" ...but Chris picks up where Ricky let off at.  This was there twin thing.  And it gets very annoying at time.

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