How to get a girl/guy to like you

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Hello my gorges!! <3
I know I haven't updated in a while so thank you for being patient but as you know I'm writing this book for advice and for the socially awkward people (me) who need the advice to get the balls to do something about these confusing people

How to get a girl:

1). Be nice to her, say hi to her everyday so she knows you look forward to seeing her and that will brighten her day

2). Compliment her. Girls love being complimented even if it's just a 'you look very pretty' and don't say 'today' because then she will be unconfident and think she looked bad the day before.

3). Be funny. Girls love laughing ( I know I do) they also love guys with a sense of humor

4). Get her number!! So texting her and don't be too obsessive

5). Ask her to hang out a lot! I love hanging with people and people love hangin with me so the more u hang the more comfortable she is with you

6). Make your move!! Ask her if she has feelings for you if she's honest and says yes ask her on a proper date!! If she says no say ok I was just wondering and then carry on with another conversation

How to get a guy:

1). Be nice! Guys hate annoying rude girls so be as nice as you can. And if you aren't a nice person go after a douche bag

2). Put effort in how you look. Don't show up to school in sweat pants but don't necessarily be slutty either. Just look nice

3). Ask him to hang out and watch movies or something

4). After hanging out hint at him you want to be more than friends if he's smart he'll get the hint and flirt back

5). After you're done hanging out tell him you want to be more than friends. If he says yes then boom! If he says no just at least wait until he leaves before you start crying.... haha just kidding say ok and tell him goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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