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Tails had sat at his work bench diligently focused on his craft, until his dear childhood friend comes speeding in disturbing his concentration.

" hi Tails! Whatcha working on?! " sonic says as he comes in

Tails had been distracted and he breaks something small and fragile.
Tails takes off his goggles that magnified the delicate and small piece of work which he had ruined.

"Ugh! Dammit sonic! How many times do I have to tell you not to barge into my work shop! You have got to knock!" Tails scolded irritability

"Oops sorry bud" sonic said

Tails let's out a frustrated sigh before he gets to his feet and walked over to the white bord.

"What is it you want sonic? " Tails asked as he writes on the dry erase bord with a black marker

" oh nothing I just wanted to check up on you is all " sonic says as he played with a box of glass slides

" don't touch that! " Tails quickly shouts as he pushed the samples away from his clumsy friend

Sonic crossed his arms and gives the fox a look

"I'm sorry sonic it's just these took a lot of work and they're very fragile" Tails apologize for his instantaneous reaction

" it's alright Tails I understand. Hey maybe you want to get some drinks later? " sonic asked

"I can't I go-" Tails managed to say before sonic finishes

"Got to much work to do yeah yeah I know" sonic finished Tails sentence with a sad sigh

"I'm sor-" Tails tried to speak again but was cut off

"You're sorry and you'll have to see about next time I know Tails" sonic said

Tails put his ears down slightly as he felt guilty for not spending more time with his friend.

"Alright then I'll be back to work" Tails says as he grabbed his goggles from before

Sonic sits down in a rolling chair and spins around sighing loudly. Tails glared at sonic before he went back to work.

"Ugh!! " sonic sighed again disturbing Tails

Tails flicks his tails in irritation as he bites his bottom lip trying to concentrate

"Ugh! " sonic again sighed

Tails slammed his Instruments on the table and huffed angrily.

"God dammit Sonic! what!?'' Tails growled as he was too upset to work

" com'on have a drink with me! '' sonic whines

"Sonic I'm not 12 anymore! I'm 27! " Tails exclaimed

Sonic stopped the chair and got a serious look on his face
"Exactly Tails! You're 27! Have a little fun! You don't have school anymore and all you ever do is stay in this workshop all day! It's depressing! Get out and live a little! Hell I don't care what you do! Just as long as it's not you in here working all the time! " sonic exclaimed as he gets up and walked around the workshop

"Are you really asking me to act my age?! Really?! Sonic I never acted my age before and you never had a problem with it then! " Tails says back as he begins to get upset

"Yes! I'm telling you to act your age! Because back then it was cool to have a super genius as a friend but now it's annoying! You're always right! And it's made you into this uptight workaholic! " sonic yelled as he turns around to look at his friend with a sinister glare

"How about you act your age sonic!? Yes I'm 27! But you're 30 sonic! 30! You need to stop acting like a damn playboy! Find a girl and get a serious part time job from being a hero all the time! Have kids! Invite me to family dinners! Not some night club that half the women are naked in! " Tails yelled back returning the glare

Sonic sighed and sat back down.
"That's not as easy as it sounds Tails. Getting serious with a girl? Sure I can pick up a lady at a bar and take her home but nothing ever lasts past a one night stand. I have a reputation as the Almighty hero of this town. Working some minimum wage job doesn't exactly live up to that title. Yeah I'm getting old but I'm still me. You're skipping chapters here Tails. What about you getting a girlfriend huh? Maybe she can get you out of this place once in awhile because nothing I'm doing is helping. I sure as hell ain't getting through. Maybe a girl will. Chaos! What happened to us Tails?! " sonic said in a saddened tone as he looks at the floor

Tails was still upset and Sonic's words hadn't changed anything. He pushed his chair away from the table and gets up with a Huff.
"What happened!? What happened was I got my priorities in order! You don't! It's not my problem you can't get a girlfriend! If you want to start talking about the 'maybe's' well then sonic maybe if you weren't such a man whore a woman might actually see you're not gonna cheat on her! Maybe if you got over your fat ego then it wouldn't be so damn hard for you to let others see you as a equal! You put the pressure on yourself! Why sonic?! Huh?! Why should I get a girlfriend!? Just for you to take her away huh?! Like you did Amy?! She loved you for years! And you showed no interest at all! But the moment she got over you and got with me you had a change of heart?! The moment I was happy you just had to screw it up! It's pointless to fall in love when all it'll do is hurt you and get taken away!" Tails yelled at sonic as he slammed his hands on the table rattling the glass beakers and viles against each other. Tears rest at his eyes as he brings up the painful memory of sonic stealing away his girlfriend. Tails looks away wiping his face trying to collect his composer.

Sonic put his ears flat against his head as Tails yelled at him. His words bitter and harsh. He was a little surprised by how Tails acted as he was never one to be so quick to upset or anger.
Sonic feels eminsely worse as Tails mentions Amy.
"Tails... I.. You know I never ment to hurt you.. I.. I was drunk and it was just one time..is this the reason why you never leave your workshop? I thought we were kool? Buddy? " sonic says and gently touched Tails shoulder as he seen how upset he was.

Tails slapped Sonic's hand away and glared at him.
"Don't!... Just don't sonic! Alright?! " Tails warns

Sonic looks at his hand that Tails slapped away then back at his friend.
"But Tails I-" sonic begins but is cut off by screaming and a loud voice sounding through a intercom

"Mwahahahaha! Where's your precious blue rat hero to save you now?! Did he finally retire?! " a voice that could only be one of that belonging to none other than the evil crazy scientist, Eggman.

Tails looks toward the direction of the screaming and the announcement from their enemy. Tails grabbed his wrench from the table and looks at sonic.
"Some things never change" Tails said as he turned and walked away

Sonic clinches his fist and nods before following Tails to the battlefield.

Going Off The Rails (Rouge X Tails) Where stories live. Discover now