(warning: the following content is sensitive to age appropriate audiences. This includes sexual suggestive content that may be upsetting or disturbing to viewers.
Your discretion is advised)

Tails had made his way to the seducting bat that had him riled up most of the night. His eyes feasting on her body and her womanly curves, wishing that his hands could trace her wonderful outline and his lips were allowed to roam over her bare skin.
With the slight glances and giggles she gave him hinted to him how she was likely having the same ideas of him.
"Hey I'm Miles what's your name? Or may I just call you exactly what you are? absolutely gorgeous" he said his confidence was stupidly high.

He didn't thinking before he Said what he did.
The liquor was impairing his over perceptive mind as he was just simply so caught up in the woman before him that he wasn't overly nerdy like most times he spoke to women.
Often Sonic would tease him for how awkward he would be. However his friend is almost passed out in the booth behind them with different girls kissing on his neck and couldn't interfere.

Usually tails wouldn't approach a woman such as this bat, with the body of a goddess and siren eyes that could see through even the toughest badass that attempted to know her name. Tails though knew this woman might be out of his league and likely wouldn't give him the chance like most men but he didn't care if he left alone tonight as just the presence of such a beautiful woman was enough to keep his body high and limbs weak.

The bat looked at tails her sharp eyes bending with amusement and interest as she giggled at this cute drunk fox and how charming he was.

Shadow was beside her with a double whiskey on the rocks In hand and a hardened look over his expression.
"That was the lamest pick up line I ever heard pip squeak.
As if my partner would ever see a man that needs to be half wasted to get the balls to even say 'hey' would be able to hold her interest long
You also better have a big wallet cuz even if she did want you it's only for your money." The dark colored hedgehog rival to his best friend insulted him and Tails gave him a demon like glare

"How about you mind your business grampa I was talking to the lady beside you and didn't ask for your fuckin input and if she takes my bank account then thats her affair not yours" tails bite out at shadow which made him set his drink down and look at him like he pissed in his drink

"What did you just say to me?" Shadow asked in a deep growl that called for the bat to step in

"Okay boys that's really enough shad I'm alright go get me a vodka cran and as for you little one follow me" the bat said pushing shadow back some and purring slightly whilst looking down at tails
She took his arm and walked to the bar having a seat
"You got some balls to talk to shadow that way sonic I could understand because his kinda an idiot" she said getting a ginger ale for the two of them

"Hey!" Tails spoke out at her calling Sonic an idiot though she gave him a little look that asked
'do you really disagree?'
And he couldn't help his chuckle
"Well..I guess he's not the brightest" he admitted and rubbed his neck

The bat gave him a giggle and hands hims his glass of ginger ale and cheered it to him.
"My name is Rouge by the way
And I know who you are I'm surprised this is our first time we talked together" she said taking a sip of her drink

Tails raised his brow at her saying that she was surprised this was their first time actually talking to each other as he  swore that this was his first time ever meeting her.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked

She set her hands down and looked at him a bit surprised like she was waiting for him to say he was messing around with her but only saw his confusion.
"We seen each other every other month or so when shadow and sonic have it out with each other...I..I see you each time and wait until they give up" she said and looked at the bar top
"We're thier sidekicks so..no one really notices us because we're in their shadows I would have thought though that you would be different considering your treated the same way but guess I was wrong seeing as it took you this long to just ask my name" she said her words stinging him a little more as she slides her barely touched drink to the bartender signifying she was done with it .

Tails knew by her returning her drink she was going to leave and he didn't think his heart could take that as he didn't think just acted by grabbing her wrist and tugging her hard and close to him locking her lips with his with
Passion that was hot enough to light a candle.
"I'm here now Rouge...I see you.."he said and cupped her cheek softly the two simply staring into the others blue sapphire eyes reading the others soul.

"ROUGE!" Shadow yelled and tails broke his hold on her as shadow waved her over
"Get your keys were leaving this morher fucker is pissing me off and Its getting late you're driving because you're more sober than I am" he said to her

Rouge slipped a piece of paper in tails hand and leaned to his ear
"It's about time fox, call me" she whispered softly before kissing his cheek gently and walking to shadow and putting her coat on

Tails face was a flushed red. He couldn't believe he did that and it worked.
He looked down at the scribbled digits of the sexy bats phone number and back up to her as she left the bar into the parking lot to take her grumpy coworker home.
"G-goodness Miles... home run" he said to himself as a pat on the back before going to check on his wasted friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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