The owlery

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The weekend is finally here!
Even though it's not a Hogsmeade weekend, I can feel that this one is going to be good.
Briskly I throw on some clothes and head to the owlery.
The castle is silent like a silence charm
has been cast, my loud footsteps echo anomalously down the corridors. Cold, white, sunlight bursts in at intervals through the large airy windows, taking two steps at a time I climb up the stairs that lead to the owlery, the shortish letter to my little sister in my pocket.

I open the door and enter the room, a cold morning breeze whips my hair around my head, not wanting Sirius and Lupin to notice I'm gone, I grab my letter out of my pocket and look around for a strong looking owl but for the first time I notice there is not one owl in sight.
The feathery perches covered in rank poo are all bare, a few grey feathers float wistfully down to the ground ably to be whisked upwards again by a gust of wind.

Agitated, running my fingers through my hair (a habit I'd picked up from Padfoot) I duff the letter back into my pocket and cram my hands in my back pockets. I walk over to one of the small windows; I can just see the top of the sun appearing over the far hills across the lake. Sunlight streams like gold onto the Quidditch pitch, the stands looks illuminated and the goal posts shine as the light bounces off them, the short grass blows in all different directions as the wind runs across it back and forth.

Through the wind I faintly hear the door clunk shut behind me. Slowly I turn around, expecting to see Filch wheezing behind me some punishment but before I can turn around the smell of freshly mown grass and some flowery smell envelopes me. I inhale deeply closing my eyes as I turn to face whoever has entered.
Lily Evans stands opposite me clutching a small bundle of letters, her fiery red hair drawn in to a messy plait. her short skirt billowing our around her. A confused scowl is imprinted on her pretty face as she registers my presence.
"Were are all the owls?" She asks simply glancing around at the deserted perches.
"Dunno" I say not taking my eyes off her. Lily turns around and opens the door and I follow her out closing the door quietly behind me.
Calmly she walks down the spiral stairs, her long plait resting on her shoulder. As we reach the bottom of the stairs she abruptly says "damn you Potter"
"What?" I say taken aback "what have I done now?!"
"Isn't it obvious?" Lily rolled her eyes
"What? Is it now illegal for me to breath?" I say exasperated adjusting my round glasses on my nose
"Don't be stupid" she said in a hot time that made me shiver. The response I was expecting to hear supprised me. "you scared all the owls away for a joke".
I snorted shaking up my hair as glanced over at her a grin spreading across my face but her face was stony like a teacher handing out a detention
"You can't be serious?" I say holding back a stream of laughter. Lily's eyes were burning as firey as her red hair.
Striding on and flicking her hair prominently behind her she called back to me " give up Potter, give yourself a break and go inflate your head somewhere else". These harsh words sliced into to me like a freshly sharpened knife. Before I could call back to her her plait was already dissapearing around the corner.

Slinging my hoodie over my shoulders I quickly spin around to check no one had heard and continued along the brightening corridors in the footsteps where Lily had headed

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