Pt 21

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I woke up and smiled as I saw Rudy wake
"Morning hun" it said

"Morning darling" he said and it gave me massive butterflies

"Can we tell everyone, I don't wanna hide anymore and I want my fans to know" I said looking at him

"Ok let's tell everyone one" he said which made me exited

"Ok I'm gonna do it in a vlog, moving house and revelling my secret boyfriend. Oooo I'm exited" I said with the biggest smile

I shot out of bed and got dressed into shorts and Rudys top I just tied up

I did my hair, I tied it up today to keep put my face because I know it will irritate me

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I did my hair, I tied it up today to keep put my face because I know it will irritate me

I did my hair, I tied it up today to keep put my face because I know it will irritate me

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I put my rings on and my necklace

I put my rings on and my necklace

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"Is that my shirt" Rudy said while getting dressed

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"Is that my shirt" Rudy said while getting dressed

"Maybe" I said smiling

"Looks better on you anyway" he said "right let's get you packed" he said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder while I laughed and he laughed

"Rudy your gonna drop me" I said laughing "stop I'm to fat I'm gonna squash you" I said

"He all of a sudden stoped running and put me down but picked me back up and made me wrap my legs around his wast so I was looking at him "never say that again ok?" he said sternly

"But it's true. Surely I'm heavy" I said a bit sadly

"You my beautiful gorgeous girlfriend can never be fat or heavy ok, the way you were made was perfect. Not jump down grab that camera and let the world so how hot and beautiful you are" he said dropping me down

"Ok" I said smiling softly

"And pull them shorts down, People can see your bum and that is mine and mine only" he said sassy

I just laughed and grabbed my camera "see you in a bit drew" I shouted

"Bye" I heard drew shout from the other room "wait where you going"

"We're going to get boxes, so I can start packing" I said

"Mk" he said "bye"

"Bye kooky" I said leaving hand in hand with Rudy

We walked down to the car and I set my camera on the dash camera

"Ready to tell the world" he said

"Yup" I said exited

"Heyyy, I'm in a car, we'll Rudy's car I didn't just hop into a random car. Today is a very impressive day as you can tell by the title it's a very important video so make sure to watch the whole thing. I'm sorry I've not been the most active recently I've been busy, I was in London with this piece of shit. I'm kidding Rudy is incredible and he's helped me lot with my mum and the funeral. I also just wanna quickly say a huge huge thank you to everyone after my last post. I really appreciate your messages and your show of support you have towards me I haven't got through to messaging everyone back but I've messaged a few of you guys so thank you and I love you all." I say before blowing a kiss to the camera

"Your probably wondering where I'm going and the answer is, tell em ruds" I say pointing at Rudy

"We're going" Rudy begins

"joking your not finding out yet, but in all honesty I am gonna tell you guys who I'm dating ok. And no before you guess it's not Rudy" I say smiling at Rudy

"Yeah I wish" he says keeping his eyes on the road

"Ok so I'm dating this guy who I've know a while now and he asked me out on a date and it was really romantic and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and it was incredible, so guys I can reveal my boyfriend is... Dre- kidding it's RUDY. Guys meet my boyfriend. Isn't he hot, wait don't reply the thought of girls thinking Rudy is hot weirds me out" I say as he chuckles.

"So by now you guys have probably guessed who I'm moving in with then, my baby, Rudy. So right now we're going to buy boxes were about 10 minutes away but first can we get Starbucks, I really want an ice frappe, what do you want bubs" I ask Rudy

"I'll have the same as you baby" he said "right let's go though drive through, hi please can I get two ice frappes please" Rudy said as we then drove to the window

"We now have our frappes and we need to get boxes now because it's already 11:32 and we only have today and Wednesday to pack because I'm moving in with Rudy Wednesday so yeah because it's our only day of this week other than today ......... we're here at the warehouse, right we only need to get about 5 boxes because all I have is clothes and personal belongings. Rudy I'm to small can you grab that box for me please" I said reaching my hands up proving I'm short

"Ok bubs" he says as he grabs the boxes and puts them in the trolly

"Ok we're all done and we've loaded them in the car. We had to put the seats down because they didn't fit them I got my leg stuck and I've cut it open on the corner of the box. Do you think I'll need stitches, that's a lot of blood. Ooo it's making me feel a bit sick looking at that" I say turning my head

"Then down look at it silly" Rudy said "but no I don't think you'll need stitches just a big plaster, let's get some from the shop as we pass ok"

"Mk, can you get dinosaur ones" I said exited

"Sure. It's like I'm dating a five year old" Rudy said "wait no eww"

"Hahaha that is the funniest thing ever" I said laughing my ass off

We got plasters and went home, I put the plaster On and Rudy kissed it better. "Right guys here's a little montage of me packing a few boxes" I said as I started packing and I'll speed it up later

"I'm done for today, I'm gonna end the vlog here because I need food all I've had today is a box of fruit Rudy got me at the shop. Right hope you enjoyed the video, so I'll I've ya and leave ya. Bye guys" I said before closing the camera down.

Remember you -Rudy pankow Where stories live. Discover now