Chapter 3: Midnight in the Garden

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Levi watched from the shadow of a tall hedge as (f/n) appeared on her balcony, his heart lurching with nervousness. He still hadn't been able to make heads or tails of these strange sensations that filled him whenever he so much as thought of her, and if he were being honest with himself, he didn't want to. His life was too complicated as it was. Besides, they were only feelings. If he ignored them for long enough, they would go away – or so he thought.

(F/n) carefully climbed over the rail, then shimmied down a makeshift rope of knotted-together sheets. As soon as her feet touched the ground, one of her maids pulled the rope back into her bedroom, hiding it from view, so no one would see it and realize (f/n) had snuck out. Although Levi didn't know the maid, he figured she must be trustworthy, if (f/n) had asked for her help in this. At least, he hoped she was trustworthy.

Speaking of trust, it wasn't lost on Levi how much (f/n) was trusting him by meeting him out here alone. They had only spoken to each other twice before, and since she didn't seem stupid or overly naïve enough to run off with just anyone, he figured she must've seen something in him that made her comfortable. He had no idea what it might be, but even so...the thought warmed his heart.

As the maid disappeared behind the balcony doors, (f/n) quickly but carefully made her way toward him. Her attire tonight seemed much easier to move around in than the poufy gowns he had previously seen her wear, and it was dark – better for avoiding notice by anyone who might be looking out a window this late. When she drew close to him, a grin graced her elegant features, and she seemed to almost glow with happiness, just like the full moon above.

She ducked into the hedge's shadow with him, her smile even more dazzling up close. "Thanks for coming," she murmured sheepishly, as if she'd been afraid he wouldn't.

"Of course," he uttered back.

She glanced around quickly before stepping further into the garden, motioning for him to follow. "This way. So no one spots us."

(F/n) led him back the way he'd come, deeper and deeper into the greenery, until the neatly trimmed hedges and swept paths gave way to something wilder. Although technically part of her father's estate, it was obvious no one ever ventured back here. The trees were allowed to grow untamed, their roots twisting over the ground below, their branches forming a thick canopy above. The only path was the one Levi and (f/n) made for themselves.

A sparse amount of moonlight filtered through the leaves, barely allowing them to see where they were walking. Additionally, the ground was uneven, littered with roots and rocks and broken branches, making it necessary for Levi to take (f/n)'s hand and help her along. He didn't mind, though the sensation of cradling her smooth palm in his scarred, calloused one sent a blush straight to his cheeks. He could only hope the darkness hid it from her.

Eventually, they arrived in a place where the trees weren't quite so thick, where they could see the sky and the stars that twinkled within it. Levi's eyes performed a quick, instinctive assessment of their surroundings, but with the exception of an owl hooting somewhere nearby, everything was still and quiet. In felt pleasantly peaceful.

"We should be alright now," (f/n) stated. Then she sat down on a large, sturdy stump, patting the spot next to her.

Levi took a seat, grateful for the opportunity to rest a bit. He could've kept going if required, but after spending the entire day training and then riding his horse all the way to the interior, his body was exhausted and sore. With a faint sigh, he turned his gaze skyward, appreciating the vastness and beauty he would never take for granted.

"So, how are you?" (f/n) murmured. Rather than simply parroting pleasantries, she sounded genuinely interested in his wellbeing.

"Not bad," he replied, removing his gaze from the sky to look at her. "You?"

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