Chapter Eighteen

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Eighteen: Ginny's Adventures

(5 PM, 17th December, 2005)

The first drops of the rainy day were beginning to fall on the face of the earth. That did not stop the anxious redhead from running. She was afraid but she would never admit that. Raindrops mixed with sweat ran down her pale face as her brown eyes sought the houses lining the street. The house she was looking for was near. Despite being a witch, she could not apparate or in more technical terms, teleport, to the house due to the sole reason of being spotted by non magical folk, who were referred to as muggles. After a few minutes' run, Ginny found herself standing in front of the Potter Cottage at Godric's Hollow. She puffed and panted to regain her breath. Inhaling sharply, she withdrew her yew wand. Muttering the light charm and holding it in front of her, she entered the house quietly. The house was still under the Fidelius charm and hence, she had to prove herself in order to enter, the reason why Ron sent her to this place.

"I, Ginevra Potter, request entrance to The Potter Cottage, Godric's Hollow," she said, clearly. The door clicked open and she went in.

The house was in a very dirty state. Cobwebs hung above her head. Dust was accumulated over the furniture. The floor was very dusty and sandy. In all, it looked more or less like a haunted house but that did not stop the Gryffindor. She walked past everything and ventured into the living room where she was met by a similar site. Her nose was getting itchy due to the state of the house. Book shelves were half moth eaten and Ginny turned her gaze away from it. There seemed no evidence of someone's visit, let alone a tidy person like Harry's visit but she had to check. She lifted her wand and muttered another spell.

"Homonum Revelio."

Nothing happened as the petite redhead waited. The sound of water droplets: rain; splattering against the glass windows was the only sound heard. Ginny sighed, her despair adding to the splash of rain. She looked around once more and walked out of the room and into the hallway. As she walked through the hallway, silent tears flowed from her eyes. She regretted fighting with him now. Wiping away her tears rather harshly, she reached the entrance. She closed the door with a loud bang owing to her frustration and was about to leave when the door clicked open. She groaned and looked back at the door. She had accidentally broken it's lock due to her frustration. She withdrew her wand and was about to mutter the locking charm when she remembered that she couldn't use magic outside of the house due to the house being under a Fidelis charm unless Harry gave her the permission in that damned protection rune stone. The protection rune stone was placed in the basement of each and every Potter property to ensure the protection of family. Ginny sighed in frustration before looking around. The faint shimmer of a metal chain lying on the grass caught her eye. She quickly took it and tied it to a thin iron rod erected nearby. As soon as she was done, she ran out of the house and into an alcove before apparating to her next destination - her home, The Potter Manor.


(5:35 PM, 17th December, 2005)

Heavy drops of pure water fell from the sky on her drenched red hair as she stood in front of the mansion, hidden to everyone but it's master and mistress. The wind blew her hair gently as she made her way towards the automatic opening gates.

The grounds of the manor stretched out, green moist grass covering it. The flowering bushes on the grounds smelt wonderfully fresh. They seemed to be happily dancing in the rain. A smile appeared on Ginny's face as she walked through the grounds and finally reached the house, five minutes later. She opened the door using the spare key which she carried in her purse and stepped in.

Potter Manor was very huge. It's ceiling stretched up to almost 20 feet and the hallway it self was wide. Ginny walked on, her low heels clicking on the marble floor as she did. The smell of an unoccupied house greeted her nose but she kept looking around, hoping Harry to pop in out of thin hair and hug her and comfort her. Unfortunately that did not happen.

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