Episode 6: Momoi and Her Ships + My Manager

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Pat: Why do you seriously have to do this to me?!

Manager: What is?

Pat: I can't host in this episode! You're literally killing me! /Cries/

Manager: Pat calm down and tell me what's wrong. Yes?

Pat: We'll be talking about Momoi and her ships?! Seriously?! And people are shipping her and Tetsuya? I can't. I just can't.

Manager: I know that you like Kuroko--

Pat: So you know?! Then why Manager-san why?!

Manager: Because the audience seem to like it that way.

Pat: Well I don't like it! /Stomps/

Manager: C'mon Pat-chan.

Kuroko: Pat-san.

Pat: Fine! Che! /Walks towards the stage/ Hai~ W-welcome once again to my show. /Smiles/ T-today we'll be talking about Momoi and her ships. /Sits across the three/

Kuroko: Pat-san are you okay?

Pat: W-why wouldn't I be Tetsuya?

Kuroko: You've been shifting uncomfortably and about the talk--

Pat: /Sigh/ I'm okay. Seriously. /Turns to Momoi/ Jaa~ Let's first start with what Momoi can say.

Momoi: To be honest Pat-chan. /Smiles/ I like Tetsu-kun.

Pat: Of course. I've watched you so many times. /Yandere aura/

Aomine: Oi stop ignoring me.

Pat: Oh Ao! /Laughs/ You and Momoi share a great amount of Romantic Tension. I bet you'll start courting her.

Aomine & Momoi: I don't like her/him!

Pat: Yeah. Yeah. It goes like that at first. A love hate relationship. /Smirk/

Momoi: I will never date him! /Smiles/ Not unless you date Ki-chan.

Pat: /Dreadful look/ No. No. No. I'll date Midori instead of Kiiro.

Momoi: Really now Pat-chan?

Pat: Yes! /Looks at Kuroko/

Kuroko: Pat-san. I'm so dis--

Pat: I mean no! No. Of course you're the only one Tetsuya.

Kuroko: /Nods/

Aomine: Woah.

Momoi: What's the meaning of this Tetsu-kun? /Shocked/

Aomine: It seems like Tetsu is courting you Pat. /Smirk/

Pat: Oh really now? /Blush/ That might be.. /Looks at Momoi/ True.

Kuroko: Nothing particular Momoi-san.

Pat: Wah. I got sidetracked yet again! /Smug grin/ Back to the topic. When will the two of you date?

Momoi: Why do you keep pushing me with Dai-chan, Pat-chan?! I like Tetsu-kun and I only have eyes for him!

Pat: Really? We'll see that. I'll still ship the two of you though.

Aomine: Yeah she have those nice boobs. But she don't interest me at all.

Pat & Momoi: Ara! What a pervert!

Pat: But no one knows. You'll soon marry that pervert, Momoi. /Faces the camera/ Don't you think so minna-san? Anyways, see you after the break!


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Imayoshi: Since when did we have a commercial? And that sponsor?


Pat: /Shifts uncontrollably/

Kuroko: What's wrong Pat-san?

Pat: N-nothing is! /Looks at Momoi/ WAH! I've had enough!

Momoi: Pat-chan?

Pat: You can't have Tesuya!

Aomine: Pat just snapped at you Satsuki.

Momoi: /Speechless/

Pat: /Walks out/

Kuroko: Wait up Pat-san. /Follows Pat/

Manager: So we're cutting this. Ahehehe. /Sweat drops/



Momoi: Are you still mad at--

Pat: Omfg. I'm so sorry Momoi! It was a spur of the moment! I'm so sorry!

Momoi: Mou~ /Smiles/ It's nothing~

Aomine: That aside--

Pat: No. We can't put this aside. Right manager-san? /Glares at manager/

Manager: C-can I still say sorry?


I'M REALLY SORRY MANAGER-SAN! Tetsuya is mine. Mine. And mine. I'll kill anyone who gets in the way of our love. Even though you're my sister or brother I'll kill you. /Laughs/ How's that for a Yandere me? You can't blame me! That's what the next episode is all about!

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