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You push the bathroom door and stumble forward as someone on the other side pulls it open too.
“Woah... Sorry" you face-plant straight into a solid body, the familiar scent hits you in an instant.
“sorry” Yunho breathes, touching your bare shoulders lightly.
Reality hits and you peel your body back from him, tentatively stepping around each other to leave him in the dorm corridor, and you over the threshold into the bathroom.
“Are you with San?” he asks in a faint voice, his brown eyes looking down at your face with an unreadable expression.
“San? No... why?”
“You were cuddled up with him on the couch during the movie, and I know you hate going back to your place when it's so late, so I assumed he’d offered his bed...” Yunho’s small smile doesn’t meet his eyes.
“No way, we are just friends” you still can't read the look on his face, “I'm sleeping on the couch”
“it's so uncomfortable” Yunho peers down the dark corridor, trying to see the dorm living area, “has he given you some blankets?”
“I'm fine, honestly” you smile, keeping your voice low, “its only one night because I didn’t want to walk home in the dark”
“that's crazy” his cute forehead frowns, “I'll sleep on the couch, and you can have my bed”
“You don’t have to” you smile, but the offer sounds amazing – a whole night of being wrapped in Yunho’s beautiful scent...
“You go...” he nudges you further into the bathroom with a cute small smile, “then sleep in my bed”


You creep softly down the corridor and push the door to Yunho’s room, bathed in a warm glow of a small lamp, the dorm is so quiet that everyone must be able to hear your thumping heartbeat.
“Make yourself at home” he smiles, waving his hand towards the messy bed. You clamber over the bed until you nestle into his pillows, heart still racing – you watch his long body bend to pull some blankets from under the bed. You admire the soft fluff of his black hair, his long neck, perfect cheeks and soft bottom lip...
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch” you blurt out, “there's plenty of room...” you squeeze further into the wall at the side of the bed.
Yunho’s beautiful mouth drops into a small O, his big brown eyes look into yours, and you aren't sure whose heart is beating loudest.
“I don’t mind sleeping on the couch” he breathes.
“I know... and I don’t mind you sleeping in here with me...” you hold his eye contact, trying to be bold.
“OK” he exhales, and it comes out in a nervous shudder. He pushes the door closed quietly and crosses the room, sliding under the covers next to you. He is perfectly warm and looks too cute in his t-shirt and pajama pants.
He nestles down, lying flat on his back, his broad shoulder touching yours. You roll onto your side to get comfortable, your back to the wall – facing Yunho.
“And, unlike San, I promise to keep my hands to myself” he jokes with a breathtaking grin.
Your heart squeezes, stomach flips and legs turn to jelly all at once.
“You don’t have to...” you breathe, barely audible over the sound of your heart hammering.
“wha..?!” he gasps, turning his head to face you.
His eyes roam over your face, so heated it makes you bite your lip to stop yourself from kissing him.
“I thought you and San...” he repeats from earlier.
“Just friends” you confirm, “you know how affectionate he can be, he just likes to snuggle… he’s not my type” you drink in all the features of Yunho’s face – he is exactly your type.
“oh” he breathes, seeming unsure.
“Sorry if it's weird to say this while we’re in bed together” you decide to be bold, “but you’re my type” his face splits into the most beautiful smile, “and I think you can hear our hearts literally hammering out of our chests too, so I hope that means you like me ...”
“I've liked you for a long time” he admits, rolling to face you fully, “but didn’t want to act on it, because I thought you were into the other members”
“Just you” you grin, loving the look on his face as his eyes keep roaming over your face. Under the duvet, you reach a hand to rest on his hip, needing to feel his body pressed to yours, “so you definitely don’t need to keep your hands to yourself...” you breathe out a small, embarrassed laugh.
“Thank god” he hums, instantly lifting his head from the pillow to cross the small distance – finally pressing his lips to yours.
You can't help but gasp into his mouth as he begins to kiss you, the sensation traveling down your body, knotting your stomach, and heat pooling between your legs. Your fingers instantly tighten into the material at his hip.
As he kisses, Yunho’s hand reaches up, his long fingers trailing over your chin, jawline and feathering over your sensitive neck – he is really good at this!
You gasp his name into his mouth as he keeps on with his relentless amazing kisses. Your nipples harden as he moves his hand down to your side, his thumb resting under the cup of your breast, over your cami-top, your chest heaving in his palm.
“you’re so beautiful” he whispers against your lips, his words urge you to edge closer to him, needing to feel his solid body pressed against yours.
You feel the hardness press into your thigh, the sensation setting your body on fire.
“sorry” he mumbles, edging back.
“don’t you dare be sorry” you hum, suddenly bold enough to move your hand from his hip to his thigh, feeling the muscles hard under your fingers.
“Kissing you is really turning me on…” he admits.
“Me too” you breathe, pressing your face into his neck, your nose grazing his Adams apple – his intoxicating scent fills you, his fingers tighten on your ribs, the thought of his perfect fingers being somewhere else floods your mind, making you even wetter.
“Really?” he hums, seeming unsure.
You lean back, looking into his eyes. Reaching down you move his fingers into your nipple, the hardness is very obvious through the thin material of your pajamas. His mouth drops open slightly, his bottom lip looking delicious.
“Just from kissing me?” he whispers in wonder.
“Yes…” you confirm, “there’s evidence in other places too” you grin cheekily.
“Oh my god” he breathes – you see the quickest flash of a grin before he moves his hand to your ass, pulling your body back to him, pressing his hips forward so that his erection is pressed to your thigh, his mouth moving to your neck, his perfect lips working over the sensitive skin.
Your hands keep moving, touching all of the places you’ve dreamed about – in his hair, feathering down his neck, his back, creeping back upwards underneath his t-shirt, feeling his smooth warm skin and the grooves of his muscles.
His kisses seem to devour you, turning you to jelly against him, you roll onto you back, dragging him by the shoulders until he is hovering over you, his gorgeous hardness pressed firmly between your legs, just your pajamas causing a barrier.
Yunho cant help but move against you as you kiss, his breathing becoming shorter, the sounds he makes is too much of a turn on. The feeling of his erection pressing where you need it is amazing.
“Can I touch you?” you catch your breath, gasping against his chest.
“you’ve been touching me for quite a while” he smirks, looking down at you, your head nestled in his pillows.
You reach between your bodies, finding the elastic waistband of his pajamas, dipping one finger tip under the material.
“I mean… can I really touch you?” you hum, praying he says yes.
Yunho’s beautiful eyes dip from your face to look down at your hand, “yeah...” he breathes, watching you slide your hand under the waistband.
You wrap your fingers around the perfect length, loving how hard he is, knowing you have made him so turned on. You cant stop thinking about making him cum.
“lie back” you whisper, encouraging him to roll back over onto his back – you prop yourself next to him, never taking your hand from his pants.
He helps to pull them down, your hand and his gorgeous dick springing free so you can both watch, swirling the pad of your thumb over his slick tip. Yunho’s eyes dart from your face to your hand, not sure where to look as you begin to move, getting faster and keeping a rhythm.
Within minutes, his eyes flicker closed, you admire the look on his face – his brow furrowing slightly and his perfect cheeks turning pink.
“don’t stop” his eyes snap open and he props quickly to his elbows, using one hand to push his t-shirt higher, exposing a stretch of stunning skin across his small abs. He glows in the light of the small lamp, every groove of his stomach dipping perfectly as he breathes heavily.
“Can I get in your bed every time I come over?” you breathe, seeing how close he is.
He cums, shooting onto his stomach, the look on his face, and his perfect body making you melt.
He flops back into the cushions, “yes” he breathes, his mouth sounding sticky, “and you can cuddle into me when we watch movies from now on…”

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