The drama begins...

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Krithi is sams friend and siv is dharshu's friend .... here yo go with the flow of the stry and sry by shree for the late update makkaley...

Krithi accepted to act close with sam so siv may get possesive and shakthi was happy thay krithi accpeted shakthis request   .. dharshuu asked who is siv?

Dharsh:  even i too have a childhood friend named siv she is a naughty charming one and where ever i hear this name i remember my fellow idiot...
Shakthi: i will introduce siv to you so soon krithi dont worry...
  Sry 4 short episode makkaley mudunja alavukku seekrom nxt update kudukure😉😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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wrong number sir oh no! your'e my pair😜😉🤫🤥🧐Where stories live. Discover now