"Sure love"

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friendly reminder that this story is by nbivagant on Tumblr and bitchyypotter on Wattpad ❤️

(y/h/c) = your hair color
(y/n) = your name
(l/n) = last name or (y/l/n) = your last name

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △r⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

It has been days, weeks. And Harry still knows nothing of the girl he visited every night in the astronomy tower. It irritated him, truly – and it certainly didn’t help that Hermione had pointed out that perhaps he had feelings for her, from the way he’d talk about her.

He often brooded in class about who she could be.

He walks through the library, coming to a halt as he sees a slight gleam of her (y/h/c) hair in one of the sections, he pried his way to it, tapping the shoulder of its owner.

It was her.

“Found you.” he taunts.

She merely smirks. “Do you want a prize? You still don’t know my name.”

“Yes, but I know your house,” he stats jerking his head towards the symbol on her robe.

She shuts her eyes closed in annoyance as she mutters a small “Shit.”

“Shit, is correct, my dear miss.”

“Oh, shut the fuck up,” she snaps.

She makes her way through the bookshelves, the tips of her fingers drag through the books placed securely, before she stops. She cranes her neck upwards, staring at a book too high up for her liking. She lifted her heels, standing on her toes, an arm stretched as she reached for the book, but to no avail.

She huffs in great annoyance, eyes narrowing at the book that sat above her.

To her left, Harry leans his side against the shelves, watching in amusement, arms crossed over his chest. “Need some help?”

Bit,” she murmurs.

“What’s that?” he teases, “Can’t hear you,”

“Could you help me get that book please?” she asks in annoyance – a bit louder than she had anticipated.

Harry licked his lips idly, “Tell me your name, mystery girl.”

“No,” she says simply, “It was your idea after all,”

“Well, I didn’t think it would be this hard!” he whines.

“Well too bad,” she quips, “Now will you please help me get that book?”

“Not until, you tell me your name,”

“That’s a clear no – in case you’ve lost your memory in a mere two seconds”

“Well, then you have my answer,”

The girl glowers at him, “It’s for an assignment – you don’t want me failing charms class because of your vexatious behaviour?”

Harry shrugs meekly, “Perhaps . . . I could find out who you are then – from Professor Flitwick,”

She let out an annoyed, ‘tsk’ sound. “Will you just get me the book!”

“Tell me your name, mystery girl,”

“Find it out yourself,” she snorts, “Honestly why d’you want to know so badly?”

“I’ll tell you why,” he says, pushing himself back into a normal standing position, moving closer to her.

But he doesn’t stop. He comes closer, and closer, and closer.

Their breaths were now mixed in one, the girl tries to keep up her tough facade – though it’s getting harder and harder as the seconds ensued. Harry peers down at her and spoke, his voice hoarse. “Because tell me why I’ve never felt so drawn to anyone as I feel with you? And I don’t even know your name – tell me why this girl I met a few months ago, on the Astronomy tower, from all places at one in the morning, makes me feel like I matter to someone?”


“I like you,” he breaths, as is fanned over her face, “More than I’d like to admit and–”

“Y/N” the girl blurts out, “My name- it's  Y/N."

“I-” he pauses, “That took faster than I had anticipated-”

“Well, I feel the same. That’s why I said it,” she states.

And then, she stands on her toes once again, and kissed him. She kissed the boy she had met months ago. Their lips moved in sync as they savoured it – the feeling. Nothing seemed to have mattered – nothing would matter anymore. And she kissed him again, and again and again. And he kissed her back.

And oh, it was good.

She breaks away, from the kiss, breathless.

“Can you get me my book now that we’ve got that sorted?”

Harry chuckled, "Sure love," he said, and winked at Y/N.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △r⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

friendly reminder that this story is by nbivagant on Tumblr and bitchyypotter  on wattpad❤️

Note- "sure love" wasn't in the og Tumblr story but I needed to add it im sorry 😭

thanks so much to bitchyypotter for giving me permission to post this here!

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