Chapter 8: Me vs. Denki and Tokoyami

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Author's note: Italics are Suhan's inner thoughts. Bold Italics are older Suhan's thoughts and comments. This chapter will include some other future heroes and they will all be bold and Italics but the format will change slightly. Without further ado. Let's get into it.

So the first half went well. It wasn't that hard for people with quirks like Todo's and mine. I got 8th. I tried my best not to go too hard, I wanted to blend in a little more. When we were split into teams I was grabbed by a boy named Shinso. And he messed with my mind before I had a chance to really agree. I didn't mind too much though because it got me into the quarter-finals. Ojiro felt guilty and bowed out so some other guy took his place.

I was looking at the board when I realized my first match would be against Denki. "Well, this is going to be a piece of cake..." With the first round of the battles, I wasn't too worried. Denki was a fairly easy opponent. I would have to save my earth for a battle with BoomBoom Boy. I should be fine as long as I avoid his attacks. I could probably take him down without even using my quirk.

"FOR OUR NEXT MATCHUP WE HAVE AN ELECTRIC SWEETHEART!!! DENKI KAMINARI!!" I heard Present Mic yell. Which means I would be next.

"Hey." A small voice said behind me. I turned to Izuku. He must have come down to wish me luck.

"Hey!" The roar of the crowd got even louder.

"Are you nervous?"

"Not really. I think this one should be a stitch. I'll just block everyone out and take him out quickly."


"That's my cue. Wish me luck." I said with a wink.

"SUHAN TANIGUCHI!!" When I stepped out into the lights I had my game face on. I drowned out all the noise on my short walk to the platform. If you're wondering what my game face is... it's basically just me not smiling and looking like Todoroki right before he took on Midoriya.

"Don't worry Suhan I'll go easy on you..."

"That is very kind of you Denki. I'll take that into consideration when I decide how embarrassing your defeat will be." The match starts and of course, Denki's plan is to "light me up." I decided very early that I wasn't going to use my quirk in this fight. Just my technique.

I dodged back and forth while my hands remained in my pockets. I just had to wait for the moment when Denki left himself open. I noticed he would have to take a slight pause between each blast of electricity to keep himself from going dumb. And here was my chance after a huge charge. I charged forward and before he even knew what hit him, I hit him on the pressure point on the back of his neck that shuts a person's body down.

"Sorry Denks, but my family's watching today so... gotta make a big impression." I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him off the platform so that he'd be out of bounds.


"Yeah we saw it, you don't have to yell," said Aizawa. Suhan barely got back to the benches before the entire class pounced on her with praises.

"Wow! You didn't even use your quirk!" shouted Mina.

"You're incredible Suhan!" I smiled softly at them. I'm not huge about compliments but I appreciate their effort to make me feel better about myself. My next match would be against Tokoyami. I was pretty excited about this match-up. I had been wanting to flex my fire-wielding abilities for a while.

The rosters for this round were going to be pretty cool to watch. Me vs Tokoyami, Bakugo vs Kirishima, Mina vs Iida, and Todoroki vs Izuku. If I won my match against Tokoyami I'd be able to fight Bakugo again. And to be quite frankly honest... I wasn't sure who would win. And that was exhilarating.

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