10 - Mal

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"She's not here Mal.." I hear Carlos say, "Not even in my pirate ship.." Uma said as she walked towards me. "We have to think like Yuma..if you were being wanted where would you go..", "the Dungeon.." I turn and see Dude. "Seriously Carlos.."

"What I thought he could help track Yuma.." my eyes widened, "that might be the smartest clamshell thing you said all day..", "You think?" I tilted my head, "that wasn't me." Said Uma, "Obviously..it's me..you just can't see me..", "Melody.." I mumbled. "Bingo Mallows..now about the suggestion about the dungeon.." not even a quarter of a second we were all thrown in a cell.

"Look. I know you don't exactly trust us but trust me when I say this. Help us! We're not your enemy and I know who is," Jay said, "Right..like I should trust you, Carlos, Evie, and Mal..", "Yes. Exactly!" I looked away, "Isn't there a spell or something you can whip up here Mal..", "I don't know..and Melody you share Auradon with King Ben, my husband and you co-leader in command."

I turned and looked at her, "How do you know my name..I never told you it..", "I've known you since you were 15 weeks old..right when your parents announced they were having a girl. Let's start a new story and not end it like this.." Evie looked at Mal, "That's not helping..Why don't you tell us from your beginning and fill us in and why we're here in the Southlands Jailhouse.", "Fine. Where do I start..oh right..wherever the story starts. Once upon a deep blue ocean.."

Carlos raised a brow, "I thought it started Once upon a time, long, long ago..." I looked at him, "It's not Mals' story, it's my story and my story starts in the ocean. After all, I am part fish..", "Yeah cause Ursula gave you fins.." Carlos snickered then raised his eyes, "Wait that's how you escaped from the palace. You swam to the isle and to get fins..", she raised a brow.

"That is not exactly what happened Dog Boy..", "Just let her tell the story..the sooner she finishes the sooner we can esc- I mean learn more about you.." said Evie as she laughed nervously, "As I was trying to say..Once upon a deep blue ocean..since that is where my story started.."


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