The Mixed Wolf [M]

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Name: "The name's Maximus, but you can call me Max." He grinned a bit.

Full Name: "Is it really necessary?" He asked.
Maximus Fuller

Age: "I'm not a kid if you're asking." He crossed his arms.

Gender: "What?" He looked a bit confused, looking down at himself.

Species: "I'm a hybrid of sorts. I guess you've never guessed huh?"
Wolf-Fox Hybrid

Birthday: "You wanna know? Any reason?" He raised a brow.
November 23rd

Sexuality: "I'm really into females. Even if no one really talks to me." He chuckled a bit.

Looks/Appearance: He blinked a few times. "I'm right here though."

Personality: "Well, though you could tell by now

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Personality: "Well, though you could tell by now."
•Maximus is usually quiet at first, but does tend to try and get himself out there if possible. He is however insecure about himself for a few reasons which causes him to have some doubts in certain moments or times. When he's not like this however, he's fun and likes to get around as much as he can. He's kind to others, and has a caring side for those he lets close to him. He does have another side of him that is a bit more aggressive when angered or provoked, but that's on a rare occasion for it to happen. Nevertheless, he thinks to be not that bad as a person, or at least for a hybrid.

Likes: "Well, you can guess one of them." He joked.
•Helping out others
•Having fun

Dislikes: "Meh. It's just kinda there." He shrugged.
•Sudden actions

Backstory: "Kinda deals with a lot of things. But I'm fine." He smiled a bit.
•Maximus was raised in a small town known as Mount Oak. A place surrounded by woods, mountains and so much more. There, he was raised as a hybrid of a wolf and fox. His father was a wolf, and his mother was a fox. He was an only child and was raised as such. He enjoyed his early days, until having to go through school where he was. He was mostly made fun of because of who he was, and wasn't exactly looked upon all that. He was lonely, and this built up his insecurities that played a huge part later on.
It seemed to only get worse in middle school, and when he was around 16, he took matters into his own hands. He began to make plans to go to another town or city to finish his schooling without enduring what he had to do in his hometown. With that, he made his way to a small city known as Pinewood. There, he would meet others during his high school years that weren't like the others back then. After he graduated from high school, he decided that he would go to college to be a student. With the support from his school and own parents, it was possible.
To this day, he attends a known local college in his new city. There, he lives on campus by himself while making friends in the building he lives in. Currently he's taking general study classes, but he does hope to find his calling and what he wants to do.

Powers/Abilities: "I don't know about powers, but I do have some abilities."
•Razor Claws: Because of his cross species, his attacks can be pretty dangerous with his claws. They're sharp to the touch, and retractable too. He only uses them when he needs to however. He does show them off sometimes, and he does enjoy it.
•Sharp Bite: Like his claws, his fangs can do about the same damage. They're sharp as well, and he doesn't show them or use them unless needed to.
•Large Tail: With his large tail, he can use it to trip and sweep his opponents off the ground. He can also use it to bash his targets if he wanted to. He can also just use it to keep him comfortable or anyone that's close to him.

Goals: "My goals? Still working on that." He chuckled a bit nervously.
•He hopes to make friends and meet new people. He also hopes to not be alone, but sometimes will have doubts about it.
•Being able to open up more and break away from his insecure thoughts.
•Learning as much as he could, and finding out what he wants to do. That or find what makes him happy.

Fears: "Those too huh?"
•Being alone forever, never being able to actually let someone in or anything similar to it.
•Never letting his insecurities go as they keep him trapped in his thoughts.
•Turning out to be a failure and having to drop out. Not only that, but letting others that believed in him down.

Extra/Other: "I've got nothing else for ya. See ya around I hope." He said before walking away.
•When he's out walking, he usually listens to music through his earbuds just to get through.
•He's usually quiet when he's found. When he does look up however, he would like to engage in something at least.
•His emotions can be everywhere. This is due to his insecurities and loneliness at their peak. Though these moments can be rare for him to happen.

Scenario One: It was your first day on the college campus and you just finished orientation. For the rest of the day, you were allowed to go anywhere you wanted. As more students came back, the more you noticed how big the place could get. You decided to walk around to get used to it. Around the same time, you saw something that kinda struck you weird. That being someone sitting at the base of the clock tower. Not only that, but his fur and hair color was sticking out too. He was sitting there, a drink beside him as he was on his phone.
What do you do?

Scenario Two: The weekend was here and everyone couldn't wait as most left to go out or do something. As for you, you had no ideas on what you really wanted to do. As you made your way to different buildings to explore, you came up to one of the dorm building on the campus. When you walked inside, you were able to get inside the common area. There wasn't no one there beside one person. At the time, he was on the piano that was there, playing a song in the moment as he moved it it. You could tell he was having fun with it. When he finished, he turned around and saw you. "What the!? Did you hear that?" He asked.
What do you do?

Scenario Three: Make it up.

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