Chapter 7- Cuddles (TW)

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A few months had passed and Carson and his dad relationship had never been the same. Cassie had made Collin come back home but she never knew that Carson and Collin would act like this. Most of the time they ignored each other.

Cassie and Colleen hated the way the pair were acting but they could do nothing about it.

Everyone thought that Carson was doing ok since he wasn't acting unusual (other than ignoring his dad) and didn't think he was sad since he didn't show emotions.

Jack was the one that found out about Carson's situation, he walked into the room with Carson lying on the floor looking at the ceiling crying whilst his arms were covered in blood.

"C..Carson?" He stuttered as his eyes turned red from the smell of blood.

"Hi Jack" Carson sniffled.

Jack ran to Carson and held him in his arms, "babe you can't do this"

"What can you do about it now? It's too late" Carson replied.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Few weeks"

"What..?" Jack was shocked and hurt, "why"

"'Cause, me and my dad had a great relationship and now it's like I'm not even here anymore..."

"But you looked fine!"

"It's called pretending Jack" Carson said lifting up his arm to jacks mouth level, "you can lick the blood off if u want"

Jack shuck his head knowing if he did he would end up biting his boyfriend, "babe.." Jack said.

"I know I know I'm sorry.." Carson replied looking down and letting his arm fall back to its place by his side.

Jack took Carson's hand and gently pulled him to the bathroom, he took out some bandages and cleaned off the blood, wrapping up Carson's arms.

"Let's go cuddle ok?" Jack said, "and I'm not taking No as an answer"

Carson sighed, "fine"

Jack gently dragged the taller male to the room and got him in the bed. He lay next to him and cuddled up against him putting a random film on.

"I love you so much Carson, don't ever do this again ok?" Jack whispered sternly.

"Ok, please don't tell anyone..." Carson said, his voice was Shakey from crying.

"I wont.." Jack answered.

The door handle moved causing the two boys to look at the door, Carson paused the film as Collin walked in. Without realising it, Carson was letting out a low growl.

"I came to apologise but you're clearly too immature to forgive me" Collin said sharply.


Colleen and Cassie had run up the stairs to see what was going on.

"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME! YOU SEEM PERFECTLY FINE IGNORING ME" Collin shot back as he slapped his son across the face.

"FINE?! YOU CALL THIS FINE!" Carson yelled as he rolled up his sleeves taking off the bandages not thinking as his mind wasn't in the right mindset.

Carson's mom and sister both gasped at the sight of Carson's arms, Jack looked away.

"You're just attention seeking" Collin said.

Jack looked at his boyfriend after the words that left his father's mouth, Jack saw tears in Carson's eyes.

"No I'm not...! I need serious help but you're too much of bad father to even notice... you were my best friend and now we don't even talk it's like I'm not even your son...we're just strangers to each other" Carson said turning around so he was looking at Jack as tears rolled down his face.

Collin sighed sharply and pushed past the two girls, he grabbed his keys and went out of the house.

"Carson...-" Cassie started.

"Go on, yell at me too" he sniffled.

"Baby.. I would never!" Cassie told his son going to him and hugging him.

"Thanks mom.. I'm sorry..." Carson replied.

"Shh it's ok"

Jack smiled at the mother son moment but wanted to hold Carson in his arms and kiss him all over and tell him everything is ok. Cassie could tell that Jack wanted Carson so she let go of him, her son smiled at her and weakly went to Jack.

"I'm gonna pass out.." Carson said as he put his hand to his head.

Jack held his boyfriend up right to help him keep his balance and took him to the bed, "lie down.." he demanded. Carson did as he was told and lay down on the bed.

Jack lay next to him and cuddled him, kissing the back of his head.

"C'mon mom.. let's leave them alone for a bit..." Colleen told her mom.

Cassie nodded and they both left the room, closing the door after them.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that Jack..." Carson let out a quiet whimper.

"It's ok shh.." The smaller replied whilst rubbing comforting circles on Carson's back.

The two boys lay there all night cuddling talking about nothing watching films and playing games. They had a great night other than Carson waking up multiple times in the night due to Nightmares but Jack was always there to comfort him and calm him down.

The night was full of many many cuddles and kisses.

The next day came quicker than expected. The sun was glaring at the boys through the blinds causing them to wake up with a groan.

"Close the blinds babe" Carson growled at his boyfriend,

Jack rolled his eyes and got up closing the blinds just to make his pup happy, he went back to Carson and lay next to his boyfriend giving him more cuddles and more kisses.

Carson purred at his boyfriends actions and smiled at him. "Morning babe!" Carson said happily to the smaller boy cuddling him.

"Morning" Jack said back, rolling his eyes.

"Morning!" Carson's tail was wagging making a soft thumping sound on the bed, "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept alright, you seem happy today" Jack smiled at his boyfriend as he listened to his pups tail thumping on the bed.

The two boys smiled at each other and spent most of their day cuddling.

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