Was that the Bite of 87?

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Izuku Midoriya

That's the name of a broken kid

A kid who just wanted to be a hero

We zoom in to see a young green haired boy with tears in his eyes looking at his mother while pointing at a computer screen

Young Izuku: can I be a hero, without a quirk?

Inko ran up to Izuku and hugged him dropping to her knees and crying into his shoulder

Inko: I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry

Older izuku: that's not what I needed you to say Mom. Couldn't you see that my life was falling apart? At the age 5 I was diagnosed quirkless......in a world filled with quirks

Inko let go of the hug and rubbed her son's hair

Inko: I'm going to go make some dinner, okay?

Izuku nodded sadly

Inko left with tears still pouring

Izuku went back to the computer

Izuku paused his favorite video of his favorite hero

Izuku scrolled down YouTube to see if there was anything else that could get his mind off the thing of quirks

That's when he came across a video

He saw it and was intrigued

This video came from an American Youtuber

Market player.....something like that

Izuku clicked on it and it showed a man with nothing better to do then to get money from playing video games for a living

Markiplier: hello everyone, this I'd Markiplier and welcome back to Five Nights at Freddy's, and on this episode we are going to figure out the meaning behind this crying child

Izuku: crying.....child?

Izuku was fully drawn in on those two words that he fully that he missed most of the video......until


Izuku fell out of his trance and got scared now looking at a screen with the same crying child surrounded by other kids while the crying child was seen limp with his head stuck inside a golden bear animatronic's mouth

Markiplier: WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87?!!

Izuku quickly changed the video to a random one, ANYONE other then the one he was just watching

But that was either his biggest mistake

Or the luckiest moment of his life

Izuku closed his eyes after the video started not trusting it one bit

????: do not fret child, I see you are in distress.

Izuku opened his eyes and looked around the room and saw no one

????: over here little boy

Izuku turned his head to the computer to see a weird green bunny guy who looked like he was glitching all over the place

Izuku: m-me?

????: did I stutter? Now

The green figure made a chair, turned it around, and sat on it inside the video

????: so, tell me. Why such the long face?

Izuku: c-cause I don't have a quirk

????:quirk? What's that?

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