Chapter 2

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Daniel:sorry sorry
Y/n:your so dumb now she's walking up to us

?:hi you guys must be new here I'm Ali
Y/n:hey I'm Y/n and this is my brother Daniel
Ali:well nice to meet you Daniel and Y/n
Daniel:uh nice to meet you too

Ali:anyways me and some friends are hanging out at the beach later would you guys like to come
Y/n:we'll think about it and ask our mom
Ali:great! Hope to see you there byee

Daniel:uh bye

She walks away

Daniel: oh we're so going
Y/n:oh we are
Daniel:yes we are and who knows we might make new friend come on let's go home so we can ask ma

At home

Daniel:please ma I'll take good care of Y/n
Y/n:mhm sure more like I'll be taking care of you
Y/m:yeah Y/n protects you from bullies and you older than her
Daniel:that was once

Daniel:ok twice but still me and Y/n Will be together the whole time I won't leave her side
Y/m:fine but be back by 9:30
Y/n:thanks ma

Y/m:no problem but stay together
Daniel: we will I promise I'll protect Y/n from any boys/girls that try to hit on her
Y/n:yeah right more like I'm protecting you from Aliiii

Y/m:Ali? Who's Ali
Y/n:oh just this girl who was giving Danny lovey dovey eyes
Y/n:yes you we're giving them back


Later that day Y/n and Daniel start walking to the beach

Y/n:you think they'll be nice people
Daniel:yeah maybe
Y/n:I hope we make friends
Y/n:I like how we live so close to the beach so that empty pool can be replaced with the ocean

Daniel:I know this should be fun
Ali:hi guys I'm glad you could make it Daniel the boys are playing soccer over there Y/n we could go with my friends over they're excited to meet you

Y/n:I mean they are close by
Ali:perfect come on

At night You Ali and your new friends are all listening to music around the campfire and you catch Ali looking at Daniel

Y/n:you got something with Danny
Ali:oh no he's your brother I could never do that to you
Y/n:nah it's fine all my old friends think my brothers hot it's gross

Ali:I mean he's cute
Y/n:ew lol
Ali:only if it's ok with you
Y/n:yeah I ship

Friend:Ali Johnny and his friends are here and he looks mad
Y/n:Johnny? Who's Johnny
Ali:he's Johnny

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