Chapter 1

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Chapter one- Markus

"Dammit why is this happening again. Why won't it just work, all I need this shit to do is work" I say with a shaky breath. Knowing I screwed up but am too hungry to look back. I'm trying to pick a lock, and for the million and one times I've tried I haven't gotten it once. "Shit, shit, shit", I can now hear the footsteps of the butcher who I stole from coming closer. Fuck it I'm going to just break the damn lock. I stand in the door frame and just kick with my body weight. "I GOT IT." The lock broke... so did something in my foot... this is going to bite me in the ass

I just bolt it down the hallway and through the doors then out into the street. I swear to God the butcher is still behind me. So, I just keep running. Until I don't see anyone anymore. My foot throbbing with each step, but not enough to keep me on the ground.

"Aye! Kid did you seriously try to steal from the butcher again" I hear from the left. "Kid he's not gonna hurt you he has been trying to get you a job with him, so you'll stop ste-" I ran too far off to understand what he was still saying. Besides, I took a loaf of bread from his bakery a month ago. Why in the Hell would I listen to him? It's more likely he wants me dead too. Just like I'm sure the butcher does.

I just keep running until I find my tree.

A couple more miles and I'm sure I'll get there. Maybe.

"Finally... home" a small hut with a few knickknacks spread about the room. It used to be a shaman's den, but he passed, and I needed a place to sleep, so I made it mine. It's perfect; out of the way, secluded with no prying eyes. But the silence does get to me some days and I swear to God I can hear stuff in the night, but right now all I am doing is to eat my bread and sausage. First meal I have had in days, not for not having food. Never really hungry, never feel like it's a good time.

"Markus it's me, Lewis" I hear from outside, he didn't even bother knocking because he knows I'll just run. This is the third time this week he has tried to say hello after I ran into him with a handful of towels I snagged from a brothel. Unused, just saying. "I just came by to tell you dropped a towel after you ran off, I tried to catch you, but you are a damn near Olympian." I don't respond. "I ask- I followed you here, I brought some milk too"

 No, no, who else knows I am here?! Please no, the butcher, baker, even the people in the brothel will want my head on a pike. This can't be happening again. My heart is going to burst. I need to get far away right damn now, first wait for him to leave then get run.. I don't know. I'll run somewhere. I stand from a chair by my bed and now I'm remembering how badly I messed up. I feel the pain in my foot escalate in an instant, alongside of a very distinct 'pop' in my heel. My vision goes blurry for a few seconds, and I try to crawl to my bedstand. I can't stand. But I can't stay on the ground.

I wonder if that Shaman has left anything for a busted foot. I slide over against to the bottom cabinets, hoping to get I can something to at least let me walk. Opened the drawer and saw a flask labeled "take for pain". I don't think you can take too much of an Herb? Hope not. I take a tongue full of the dry herbal tasting power and try get my foot stable. I just propped it up on a box on the floor and hope the painkiller will give me a few hours of movement. The pain subsides after about 30 mins. I decided to pack a bag and get the hell away from this town. 

With a definitive limp, I meagerly scamper around 2 miles before I realize how bad a choice I made. The painkiller worked in a pinch, but now it's working in a punch. My fingers, legs, and face, is totally numb. This is what I get for putting random things in my mouth. I have a bad feeling but honestly... I'm too high to really worry that much. The trees, grass, and even the large buldge on my foot. It all feels a lot better. I think I might do this more if I can't sleep. 

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