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See? Yujin ni tsundere orangnya, walaupun mula-mula macam annoyed dengan orang, tapi akhirnya dia tolong juga.. Tapi tak semua dia tolong, Jiung ni special sikit kepada Yujin, sebab tu dia tolong je apa Jiung minta tolong..

Intak : Yujin!!

Yujin : keluar kepala dari bilik apa lagi kau nak..

Intak : tolong aku? gaming level nie susah, dah 4 hari aku try

Yujin : then try la sampai seminggu. almost tutup pintu

Intak : no no hear me out, i have to pass this level and show to my crush tmrw to impress her so help me out.. 

Yujin : you guys surely cant live without me take Intak's phone and playing the "hard" level

After a few minutes

Yujin: apa yang susah? Senang je.. bruh

Intak : apa2 jela, thank you almost hug

Yujin : mengelak hug me and the next thing you know is you are dead.

Intak : .. whatever thanks! masuk bilik

[C] housemate  .  jiungWhere stories live. Discover now