New Zealand

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Chapter 3: New Zealand

Ko nga mea hanga o te reinga kua patua ano e o tatou kaiwhaiwhai miiharo! Kia mau ki te mataki mo enei tipua rewera i te wa e noho whanui ana! (The creatures of hell have once again been slaughtered by our amazing hunters! Make sure to keep a lookout for these devil spawns whilst in public!) The news rang out loudly on the Television as I tried to focus on my work, my father cheering in the living room and my mother lying in peace six feet below ground, she died from suffocation, more specifically my father suffocated her with a pillow. I did as I was told and kept anyone from finding out my secret, I even obeyed the murderer in my house who I call my father. My secret is the only reason my father keeps me around, I'm a "creature of hell" but in all reality my creature is an ancient mythical beast known as an Anzu, often mistaken for a griffin, I can control water, fire, earth, and air. My father would use my abilities for his own personal gain, my life was terrible. I'm a 15 year old male by the name of Lucas Jones, my very existence was terrible due to my father's relentless abuse, I eventually decided to run away, now on the run from both my father and the government, I was not giving up, I had eventually ran into a man with a dark grimm expression on his face, he turned his head to me and spoke in a heavy British accent, "You must be on the run huh mate?" The name on his jacket read the name Balleck Fenrir. The man pulled out what seemed to be a gas mask, in one movement he swung his hands forward jumping towards me, my body reacting before I could, I flew by controlling air, trying to escape him, but before I knew it I was knocked to the ground by a billboard, knocked out slipping into a sweet unconscious state. I awoke in a strange place, surrounded by eight other kids , and statues ranging from tiny insects to the legendary Phoenix, just as I stood so did the other kids before a voice rang out, "I saved you..." the voice now had a figure, his stature matching his gray clothing. "My name is Shadow, the oldest of the Sons of Lucifer." he said to us, his attention drawn to the three kids still unconscious, after everyone started to back away from him, "No this is bad, this is bad! Children run now, those three are dead!" he screamed in his raspy voice, we all ran without a second thought. People jumped out ravaging the temple-like place. A boy with blonde hair and amber eyes turned to run back for the boy named Shadow, I in turn looked back to see Shadow being attacked and not being able to recover. My rage built up, causing my hand to catch fire, and the other hand to frost over. I ran to help, the other 3 started to slow themselves before the one with black hair turned around growing claws and his teeth sharpening to a point. Shadow, still on the ground, smiled as he saw the two boys with black hair rushing to help and even smiled at me, "Sean and Kuragari you two are doing splendidly, along with the other." the two boys stopped where they were as the people disappeared, it was all a hologram to draw out the abilities, the two girls who arrived with Kuragari had activated their abilities as well, secretly and tactically watching our backs, the one with pink hair grew two tails, her pupils like a cats, the other one with brownish-amber hair had grown claws, sharp teeth and she had seemed to have a calm disposition to her attitude. It was a test. "How do you know our names?!" Sean screamed, Shadow laughed, "You will soon know, but for now I want you to find others like yourselves, but beware the Fenrir brothers." During the commotion I noticed the girl who was with Sean was gone as she reappeared behind Shadow, "I could have taken you down right now." Shadow disappeared after she finished her sentence, in a cloud of dust leaving us with one another. I looked around 

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