Chapter 23

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The end.

Just kidding, read on.

"It's decided. The Wizengamots has concluded that Edward Masen Cullen will burned as it is decreed in the law of 1682 anti-vampire legislation. He is to be burned immediately." Madame Amelia Bones announced and turned sad eyes down to Harry.

Harry asked, "What? I thought both of us are on trial. Why is he being put to death and I am not?"

"I am coming to that. Harry James Potter, you are decreed to be magically bound and under probation until the end of hundred year." The woman replied and frowned. She had not liked how it was turning out, and there was a sense of heavy sense of dread filling her up.

"Wait!" Every head in the courtroom turned to see a small petite woman bounding in, the frantic expression on her beautiful pale face and her hands outstretched. "Wait, please, let us speak." Several more people, equally pale as the woman, followed through the door, taking a stance behind her coolly. The Aurors were quick to surround them, pointing wands at them.

"Who are you?" Madame Bones demanded. She noticed they all were pale and had the same golden eyes as Edward Cullen. The Aurors wands glowed at the tips; they had seen the same thing. She held her hand up to stay with them, "Speak."

"My name is Alice Cullen, I am Edward's sister. These are our family," She gestured to the people behind her. "Carlisle Cullen, our father and the head of the American coven. Esme, his wife, Jasper, my husband, Rosalie Hale, and her husband Emmett. We came all the way from America, not to save their lives but yours too."

"Blasphemy! Seize them!" Lord Padgett shouted from where he stood, and several other Wizengamot loudly agreed.

Kingsley stood, letting off a loud shot from his wand. "Silence!" He turned to Alice and Carlisle, who stood side by side. "This is unexpected, but seeing you are family of the accused, I will allow you in as long you will keep peace." They nodded mutely, and he narrowed his eyes at Alice, "What danger did you speak of?"

Alice nodded, her wild pixie hair swaying violently. She chewed her lips as she glanced up to Carlisle, who stepped forward, bringing up his hands in a gesture of peace. "Thank you. I can promise we are peaceful group of vampires and wish no harm to anyone." He gestured to Alice, "My daughter, Alice," then toward Jasper, "and Jasper, along with Edward," He nodded toward to surprise Edward. "Three of them are what we considered vampires with talents. But recently after meeting Harry Potter, we realized that they are wizard like yourself. Edward, I believe is what you would call a Legilimens, Jasper is a Pathokinesis, and Alice, a seer. Before turning, they were squibs, with very little magic in their blood. Being vampire brought their magic out and made them stronger." He rested his hand on Alice's shoulder, "As a seer, she has foresaw futures as outcome of the trial and it is horrendous. We beg you to allow us tell you the outcome of your decision and reconsider."

Madame Bones turned to Kingsley and asked, "Minster Shacklebolt, we have already voted."

"This is bullshit!" Theodore Nott, standing up. He was one of the few youngest of the Wizengamots seated, replacing their predecessors. "We voted, it's time to deliver the ruling!"

"Scion Nott," Kingsley boomed, "Sit down!" He was disappointed in the young man, hoping that he would not be like his father, but he was wrong. He glanced around the courtroom and realized there were unfamiliar faces through the gallery, and chills ran up his spine as he noticed red eyes among the guests.

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