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Lisa was hypnotized for a second as her heart beat increased.Her eyes widened as he kept his hand on her lips.

"Relax!Loud mouth!No one is tryin' to eject you from here.I am just shifting your stuff to my room,....Umm..sorry !Our room."

As he moved his hand from her mouth.She immediately spoke,


"Because Mom is coming here today.So,we need to be very fast and act like a real couple in front of her.I don't want to disappoint her."

"So,Let her see how her son is going opposite to all of her wishes."

"Well...She wished many things.She wants us to go to honeymoon and she even wants grandchildren.Should we give it to her?"

Her cheeks turned red and she looked down in embarrassment.He chuckled at her reaction.

"You too dont want me to make her wishes come true.Do you?Now let them do their own work.'' he referred to the maids.

This time she didn't say anything.Only cursed him in her mind.How does this man know to shut her mouth so easily.Which is an impossible task indeed.

She made her way.Now,the maids started transporting her stuff more easily.As she moved towards the hall.The Man spoke again.

"Hey prima dona!Get ready let us go to shopping buy some gifts to make mom happy!"He kept his hand on her shoulder.

He comes up to a new stupid nickname for her everyday. She made an annoyed face went upstairs.She wore her strapless,bustier slit brown colored cheetah print dress with sneakers and a leather jacket with very light make up.

They both sat in the car.
"So,what are we going to get for mom?"She asked while wrapping the seat belt around her.

He looked at her as he started the car.
"We aren't going shopping only for Mom.We have to attend my cousin's wedding reception after few days.Lets do some shopping for that as well."

She nodded her head.He parked his car near a luxurious shopping plaza.
"So what kind of gift would your cousin like?"she asked simply.

"You should better know what a rich-spoiled
girl likes."

She bursted out of anger.Did he really call her rich spoiled brat.She gave his an annoyed look."can't you stop talking ironically otherwise I am leaving."

He laughed and then apologized


"What about we gift them some sort of couple rings?"He asked.

''I think a Luxurious Wine Decanter Set would be pretty cool."

They headed towards the package store.They bought a beautiful red wine set and then headed to the grocery court.Jungkook selected some vegetables in his hand.

"We should cook something for Mom.She would be really happy!"

She nodded,"so,what about her favourite food?"

"Caramelized broccoli with garlic."he sighed.
"I personally don't admire this food much because I am not big fan of garlic."

She chuckled,"not even me."

She looked at the florist shop.
"Does mom like flowers?"She said with an exciting voice.

"Mhmm."He said blankly with vegetables and other bags in the hands of his gaurd.
"Whenever mom was anxious or mad at dad.I still remember dad used to gift mom orchid flower bouquet."

They head toward the florist shop.They started looking at the flowers.The florist seemed like a middle aged man.

"Seemed your dad really liked Mom?"She asked.He didn't answered.Well,she can imagine.He didn't still get why doesn't his mom remind or remember his dad often.

Jungkook never forgets to visits his dad's funeral on his death anniversary but mom didn't attend it even once.For that,he absolutely hates his mom.

They selected beautiful bouquet of blue orchid flowers.As they tried to leave.The middle aged man called her from behind.

"Hey bella signora!"He said with deep voice.

Lisa furrowed her brows but as she she looked backwards she smiled at the man gently like a calm child.She gave her wide child smile.Jungkook made a bothered look as he looked backward with his hands in his black pants.

He moved back to his old brown dusky cupboard and gave them a sign to wait.He held bunch of chrysanthemum flowers in his hands and gave it to Lisa.Jungkook furrowed his brows.

"Why are you giving this to me?"She said while smiling.

"you look like my moglie..You remind me of her.Her name is Elízabeth and yours is?.."

She didnt get anything but still said,

He smiled,
"My wife is dead.She really liked these flowers back when we lived in italia.Now,I regret I should have these more to her.Will you take them?"

She looked at them and smiled,
"Of course,I like them."

He took a sigh."you got that exact doe eyes that she had."then he took a glance at jungkook.
"Compagno!Take good care of her.I dont want you to regret like I do."

He gave him cold look and took Lisa away.
"I don't why were you listening to this shit.Throw them into the trash."he complained.

"You are a heartless man Jeon.You won't understand what is love?"

"You are blind or what! Didn't you see he was just flirting with you."

"So what?Are you jealous?"She raised her eye brows.

"Jealous,my ass.."he mumbled to himself.

Now,both of them headed towards the shopping mall.The two young ladies were astonished by the beauty of the young man in front of them.They envied the girl besides him.

The man even looked rich.The girl was very lucky to get a perfect, rich and handsome man.One the girl headed towards the man while unbuttoning few buttons of her shirt revealing her chest.

"How can I help you ,Sir'' She was literally trying to be seductive.

"Show some of the evening gowns for my wife."He said coldly not even giving a glance at the girl in front of him.Girls were jealous as they heard that she was his wife.

Lisa widened her eyes,"jungkook,you know I don't wear such kind of dress.."

He looked at her,

"So,are you going to wear hoodies and sweatpants at my cousin's wedding?"

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