The Chase

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Small feet hit the wet, earthy ground as the rain poured down harder on her small figure. "Get her.....Don't let her escape" You could hear gun fire in the air, and the angry voices that road along the wind to her ears. A little girl about 5 years of age is running for her life.Running along what use to be a dirt road.She looked up to see a forest come into view she began to run faster until she was at the edge of the forest to escape them she ran into a forest to lose them in the underbrush that seemed to be everywhere. As soon as she entered the underbrush the noise soon died as if they were afraid to enter the dark forest. She wanted to rest her tired legs but she did not dare, scared for her life she kept on running following his sent.It was easy to detect.The smell of a dark aura filled her nose and she kept running towards the smell until she came upon an manor. Knocking on the door with small fist. She kept hit the door. Tears streamed down her face as she screamed. "SEBASTIAN HELP ME PLEASE!" When she yelled that out a woman with maroon hair and a maids outfit answered the door. When the maid opened the door the small girl bolted in. Her muddy,cut feet pounding on the rug in a panicked motion. "Mie-Rin whats all this noise about....oh my." Sebastian says looking at the little girl near the bottom of the staid that he was gracefully walking down on. "Sebastian I found you." she said swaying back and fourth until she fainted landing in Mie-Rins arms. "Thank you Mie-Rin for catching her; I don't know what I'd do if she injured herself like that." Sebastian says heading towards Mie-Rin and taking the girl from her arms, smiling at her with a smile filled with love. "You've gotten so big since the last time I saw you." He said hugging her close. "Mie-Rin I have some family matters to attend to may you tell Bard that I said to take the young master his lunch its already prepared for." "Yes Sir I will....May I ask who is that girl though Sebastian?" "No Mie-Rin you may ask her when she wakes up but for now I have to clean her and stay with her until she wakes do you understand." "Yes Sebastian." "Oh yes and when you get done telling Bard his task I'll need you to draw up some bath water." "Yes Sir." "Thank You." And with that Sebastian left with the girl cradled in his arms.

   "I guess I'm going to have to make you an outfit huh My little Raven....Surly I cant let you run around in that outfit.....But i sadly ran out of fabric.....I guess i could make you an outfit out of my clothing but then you would have to wear pants problematic." " Sebastian I got that bath ready for you." "Great thanks." he says looking at her then looks at the girl that now lay in his bed "Hey Sweet heart its time to wake up." He says shaking her gently trying to wake her up. rubbing her eyes she was half awake "Daddy?" she asked questionably.Sebastian just smiled. Come on its time to get you cleaned up your really dirty." She nodes her head slowly and raises her hands in the air instigating that she wanted to be carried to the bath tub.Sebastian gave her what she wanted by picking her up and caring her close to his chest and carried her off to the bathroom. 

"Bardroy why are you delivering me my lunch instead of Sebastian....what happened." "Oi I don't why I'm being interrogated here I'm just doing my chores and what the head butler told me to do." "Well now your going to do what your Master tells you and tell me why is the head butler Sebastian Michaelis not here!" "Mie-Rin said he had to deal with some family problem." "What family problems?" "Like I'd know." Ciel sat down his throat hurt from yelling at Bardroy . He was now let in thought *Sebastian has a he a father. If he's a father the his child must hate him for being away for 3 years.I will talk about this later* "Bardroy thank you for bringing me my lunch and you may go now."

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