Ravens birthday party

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Elizabeth was coming over for Ravens birthday party. She was going to do the decorations for the manor. Raven had no idea that there was a party for her birthday. *Ugg its going to be so pink* Elizabeth thought that it was sweet of Ciel for letting Sebastian's little sister stay with him. Even though a child as young as she would be trouble.

The manor was decorated in pink, bunnies, unicorns and everything from a little girls fantasy. Elizabeth was proud of herself it looked beautiful and she knew that Raven would love it. She was even nice enough to buy her an adorable dress that was just to die for. So she went on an expedition to find the beautiful child.

"Raven!!!!" she yelled going around the manor annoying the bluenet boy to no end. "Young master shall I go help Lady Elizabeth find little Raven." Sebastian suggested as another high pitched squeal echoed around the mansion. "Please her screams are causing me a bloody headache." Ciel said rubbing his temples. "Then I shall be on my way young master do call if you need anything. " "Yes,Sebastian I will." Ciel said voice filled with annoyance as he shoos Sebastian away.

Sebastian walked down the halls before hearing a sound of laughter. He knew automatically that it was his little sister. She was in the library reading a children's book. That she found very amusing. "My little Raven." Sebastian's husky voice was heard through the library. "Little Raven Lady Elizabeth is looking for you." Sebastian said taking her hand. And leading her back to the main entrance.

"Surprise" everybody yells surprising the little girl. "What is this?" She asking as her eyes widened at the beautiful decorations. "Happy Birthday Raven." Everybody said in unison, and Elizabeth ran up to her. "I found the most adorable dress for you." She squealed in excitement. Before She dragged little Raven down the hallway, to her bedroom . Where there she placed the dress on the now 6 year old. It was light blue with pink ribbon. It looked kind of like a sailor suit.

As little Raven came down stairs. Everybody looked at her thinking the same thing *she's so cute*. Sebastian looked proudly at his little sister as she walked down the stair case excitedly. "Wow is this all for me she says with an innocent voice." Ciel answers handing her a box. "Yes, of course we must celebrate something as important as this special day...Open it." And Raven does as she's told. She smiled brightly after seeing what was inside. A white rabbit with a black eye pack and a little blue vets with a matching blue bow. " Wow its so soft..." She said with wide eyes "Thank you Ciel." "Your welcome Raven."

She hugs Ciel happily. "So big brother where is mommy?" Raven said looking hopeful at Sebastian,making the whole room go silent. Sebastian proud smirk quickly turned into that of a pitiful one. For he knew she could not comprehend her mothers death nor did he want her to. He goes down on one knee and messed with her hair playfully smiling as if nothing mattered. The others held their breaths waiting for him to respond. "Mommy is still playing with the deers and bunnies she's busy taking care of daddy." "Oh she said looking disappointed until Mie Rin yelled out 'cake' which In everybody opinion makes everything better.

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