Chapter 3

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The team was all gathered in the common room, Artemis and Kauldar sitting on the couch, Conner sitting in one of the side chairs, and Megan standing behind the couch behind Kauldar and Artemis, mixing some mixture of some kind of pie in a bowl while Wally and Robin stood in front.

Robin wore his civies clothes, black jacket, blue jeans, red hoodie, and his sunglasses, hands behind his back in a nervous but calm position. Wally was right beside him, khaki shorts and orange t-shirt, hands in his pockets, sheepish but nervous look on his face.

" what? We've been here five minutes, one of you tell us what the hell is going on! Did you two break something again or what?" Artemis growled, crossing her arms.

Wally and Robin looked at each other before Robin grinned sheepishly and walked up to the team, folding his arms across his chest.

"Me and Wally are...uh dating" he spat out, listening as Wally gave out a laugh behind him.

Artemis widened her eyes and raised an eyebrow while Kauldar looked at her. Megan gasped and dropped her bowl, wanting to smile and clap at the wonderful news but was too shocked, that of course she thought what Artemis had said to them was a joke. Conner just stared blankly, he kinda figured this was coming.

Artemis glanced at the laughing Wally and narrowed her eyes. Maybe they heard their conversation and was playing a joke or prank on them.

"Artemis, were you telling us facts yesterday? Did you know before we did?" Kauldar asked, referring to the conversation yesterday.

Confused, Wally walked up next to Robin and laid his arm around the boy's shoulders, Robin giving Artemis a confused look.

"Wait, what? What conversation? You told them about me and Wally after you, oh I don't know, snuck into the room and watched us sleep or what?" He spat out, glaring at Artemis.

Artemis rolled her eyes and stood up.

"No, guys! I didn't sneak into your room, that's dumb!" She started, looking at the others. "Guys, they obviously overheard us yesterday and this is all fake! Wally was laughing, this is obv- wait what?! You guys slept together?!" Artemis swung back around and stared at Wally and Robin as what he said finally came to her.

The two boys blushed as Wally pulled Robin closer to him.

"Yes, we did! Have a problem with that?" Wally asked, smiling at her.

Artemis crossed her arms across her chest and smirked. "Prove it then! Prove to us that you're dating" she said.

Both Robin and Wally shrugged while the whole team leaned in, watching all the drama happen, as Wally took Robin's chin and leaned down to the younger one, kissing him deeply as Robin wrapped his arms around the speedster's neck, slightly moaning.

Artemis gasped and backed away, nearly fainting. " weren't lying! I-I" she gasped as she collapsed on the couch.

Megan shrieked and giggled as she clapped her hands like a little five year old would and floated over to the two boys, hugging them both as they broke apart.

"I'm so happy for you!" She giggled, Kauldar smiling and walking up to them as well.

"As am I as well, you two are the cute couple" He said, putting a hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Thanks" Robin said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Congratulations" Conner said, small smile placed on his lips.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I doubted you, it's just we kinda made a bet yesterday that you two would soon be gay from hanging out with each other all the time" Artemis said softly, smiling at the two boys.

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