Chapter 4

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Wally paced back and forth as he waited outside the infirmary of the watchtower as the rest of the team came rushing in, now in their civies clothes.

"Okay, who's turn is it to call Batman?" Artemis asked, as she sat down in a chair.

"Or what about me?!"

Everyone froze and looked at where the sudden voice came from to see Roy Harper walking towards them.

"Roy?" Kauldar questioned as Roy came to a stop in front of them, crossing his arms.

"Yeah! It's me! What the fuck happened? I was in Bludhaven, I knew about that bomb and I was gonna stop it, but kid-mouth here" he paused and looked at Wally, who took a step back and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Roy rolled his eyes before looking back at his ex team. "Anyways, I was informed that you guys were there and I saw him carrying my baby brother" he finished.

Everyone looked at each other, confused. Baby brother?

Noticing, Wally walked closer to them.

"Right, I forgot" he said, getting everyone's attention.

"When I met Robin three years ago...I also met Roy and come to find out, Roy had always been like a big brother to Robin, and the three of us....yeah, now the three of us are close as brothers...but except now...." Wally explained, turning to look at Roy.

"Me and Rob are dating"

Roy raided an eyebrow at the sudden news.

He then chuckled and smiled. "Okay congrats man, but he's still my brother so you hurt him, your head is on a platter!" He said, serious at the end.

Wally gulped and nodded, smiling sheepishly. "Don't worry, I love him too much to hurt him, you know me, Roy"

Roy nodded and took a seat next to Artemis as everyone else sat down as well, Kauldar contacting Batman.


4 hours later

Dick groaned as he opened his eyes, blinking them as the bright lights blinded him.

He looked around to see where he was when he realized, he was in the infirmary at the watchtower. A memory then came to his mind as echos of a voice rang in his head.

"The others got away"

"Bird boy"

Dick gasped as he tried to get up, sharp pain rushing through his body, but a hand rushed to his chest, pushing him back down to the bed.

"Jo..ker" Dick gasped, his voice raspy and weak.

"You're okay, Richard, just relax"

Dick looked to his side to see his father sitting in the chair beside his bed.

Batman, cowl down, had his hand on his son's chest, keeping him from moving before removing it.

Dick looked down, he knew he had to be in trouble.

"I'm sorry I failed" he whispered. He felt his father lay his hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You had no control of that bomb, didn't fail"

Dick looked up at him, shocked. "I-I didn't? B-but the timer...I-I was too late...and J-Joker!" Dick began to panic as he remembered hearing Joker's voice in the warehouse.

"Joker didn't get away, don't worry. And I know you couldn't stop the timer, no one could've made it to Bludhaven in an hour fast enough...Joker didn't know, neither did you guys, but the league had y'all's backs the whole time, you're okay, Dick" Bruce explained, smiling.

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