Chapter 3

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*Isabella's POV*

Instantly when I sat down I knew this wasn't going to end well but I need to get to know him right?

"I see you can't leave me alone" he said and I regret the thought of needing to know him.

"You know this is not my fault, actually it's the fault of your grandfather" I said going along with the lie his father wanted me to tell him. We glared at each other until the waitress came, who may I add, was a handsome piece of meat.

"What would you like to eat today beautiful?" He asked completely ignoring Campbell's presence, and I liked him for that. Before I got the chance to speak, Campbell ordered for the both of us.

"It was time for you to come. I would like a omelette with a cheese sandwich and a cup of coffee. For her, she would like a omelette and a cup of coffee also." He said and motioned the waitress to leave. He simply took the order and left not without giving me his number in a piece of paper.

"Why are you so rude to strangers?" I asked and he completely ignored me.

"Bella we need to set some rules in order for you to move in with me." He said. As if. The way he pronounced my name this time unlike the time in the hospital, was different. This time sent chills down my spine.

"How many times do I have to tell you that my name is Isabella, only people that are close to me call me Bella, meaning you don't have the right to call me that" I said getting angry at him.

"First I need you to understand that I do not love you, not want you, I am only getting married to you because that's the only way for me to get the family company." He started ignoring what I said. His words even though I know are true, hurt. Why is he so rude?

"Secondly, you can't expect me to drop my player ways because now you're living in my house, I'm a man and I have needs and I'm going to fulfill them-" he continued but I interrupted him.

"You do know that my brothers are coming too, right? Because I do not want them to see a different girl coming out of your room, the room they think is my fiancé's." I said glaring at him.

"WHAT? How old are your brothers? I'm going to kill my dad, he did not tell me that." He asked getting redder and redder.

"They are twins and they are 4 years old. Also there is my baby brother who is a year-" I was saying but he interrupted me.

"A YEAR? HE'S A FUCKING BABY. IF HE DOENST LET ME SLEEP IM GOING TO KILL HIM-" he started but I interrupted him again. Wow this isn't even a conversation, we are just interrupting each other.

"You will not, and hear me loud and clear. You will not under any circumstance lay a hand on them." I said challenging him with my eyes. He was taken back because of my outburst. He just nodded and cleared his throat awkwardly.

Thankfully the waitress came and served our orders or I should say Campbell's order. The rest of the meal was in completely silence. Mostly I was on my phone checking Twitter, Instagram and snapchat while he was talking to a man, who I assume was important because he motioned me to keep quiet. Also he was getting angrier as the conversation went on. He took a paper out of his pocket and a pen, he started to write something down, when he finished writing, he took out some money and put it on the table, then he gave me the paper, after that he stood up and left, just like that. HE LEFT, meaning he left me alone in the restaurant with a piece of paper. On the paper was written an address, which I suppose is his house address. I asked for the bill and started counting the money he left. He left $100, wow, people like him don't care about money. I payed the bill and left a generous tip for the waitress. With the money left I took a taxi to my home to start packing and pick up my brothers.

When I got home, I opened the door to see that everything was already on boxes. I went to the twins bedroom to see them playing silently with the nanny and the baby sleeping.

"Hey Isa, today some workers for Mr.Heartman came to pack everything up so you should not worry about it, they are already moving them into your new house." The nanny, Angelita, informed me.

"It's okay Angelita, thank you." I thanked her.

"Mmm niña Isa, can I ask you a question?" She said.

"Sure, you know there's enough trust to just ask anything." I said to her, watching the twins play. They are so innocent.

"What's going to happen to me? Are you goon to fire me?" She said with watering eyes. Angelita was a middle age South American woman that moved here for a better life, and I know for her, this job means everything.

"Oh no, don't worry about that, did I not tell you that you're coming too? It must have slipped out of my mind" I said.

"Thank you, thank you. You know your mother would be so proud of you, getting married and starting a new life away from your father." She said hugging me.

"Oh Angelita if only you knew." I said hugging her too.

"Oh I know trust me, I overheard the conversation the other day. I know what you are doing in order to save your life, your brothers' life and your father's life. You my chiquita, are a strong woman, you deserve happiness and you will see that you will find happiness one day." She said reassuring me that in some twisted way, this was going to end well.

A/N: Heyyy, sorry for being up sent all this time. I haven't have time because of all this IB things I have to do in order to graduate. Tomorrow I start the exams but I need free time to clear my mind and writing does that to me so... Expect new chapters soon and sorry for this short chapter

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