Average Jacknaib Interaction

117 1 21

"Jack senpai.. your eyes look beautiful today." pronounced Naib.
"N-N-Naib" Jack stuttered in british.

In theory 5'4 Naib would struggle to hold up Jack's 8 foot self but he held his skinny-ass, lanky-ass, slim-ass, thin-ass, bony-ass, gay-ass with ease.

"You know... I usually don't like white people," Naib's face gravitated closer to Jack's. "but you're the exception." he whispered into the brit's ear.

"Omgee...." Jack's eyelashes fluttered, he tried to blush but he was too pale.

"Naib, I luv you as much as I luv tea my snookums." his eyes sparkled.

"Jack, I love you as much as I love guns, my honey butter biscuit <3." Naib said in a very masculine way.

"Nab I need to tell you something... I- I- my- my evil alter ego killed 5 people what if he tries to kill you sugar pumpkin poo???" Jack muttered, worried.

"Jack stfu I killed like 30 people you're not special- I mean- IT OK MCDREAMY I LOVE YOU EITHER WAY!" Naib exclaimed, pulling Jack closer.

Suddenly Jack's expression shifted.

"BUTTERCUP I THINK HE'S WAKING UP!" Jack screamed and passed out, sticking his tongue out and all that cartoon shi.

"ₕₑₗₗₐᵤᵣ" growled the Ripper.

"LEAVE MY WHITE HANDSOME BOY ALONE!" Naib growled back and slapped the Ripper out of Jack's whole body.

"Ouchie..." whined Jack as he came back to consciousness.

Naib kissed his booboos (not boobs) and sang him a lullaby as he carried him to bed.

Jack fell asleep and his snores sounded like "Mi mi mi mi mi - argh mi mi mi mi mi - argh mi mi mi mi mi"

Naib layed next to him brushing his hand through Jack's grey curles.

"I love you cutie patootie."

The End.

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