The fight

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Suddenly he heard a loud bang. He jumped up and went outside. A huge fight formed, Sero, Mina, Bakugou, and Kirishima. Vs. Monoma. "YOU HURT DENKI" screamed the whole squad. "NO I DIDNT!" Monoma replied back. The bakusquad used there quirks and so did Monoma. Denki went closer, the fight was because of him. Later after the fight, the bakusquad was together. "I'm glad you guys c-are ab-ou-t m-me, but-t y-o-u ca-n't ju-st fig-ht
m-my bullies." Denki said. "Denki.." "he hurt you more then you think." Said kirishima. "Kaminari," "he electrocuted you." Said Sero. "W-what.." "S-ser-o.." "Denki!" Bakugou said. Denki fell asleep. "WHAT DO WE DO?!" said Mina. They panicked, And tried to wake up Denki.
"h-huh" Denki said. "Denki, get dressed."
"O-okay.." Denki got dressed and went back to the group. "g-g-guys." Denki whispered. "Denki, it's ok." Said Mina. "S-o-o," w-what are we do-oing?" Denki Asked softly. "We are going to the mall." Said Kirishima. "W-why?" Said Denki worried. "We need to get some stuff." Denki started to shake, he hated malls because of how many people were there, sometimes he even had trouble going to school.

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