Coming out

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Denki stood in front of the mirror. Thinking "just cut it." He grabbed the scissors and began to cut his hair. He knew his mom wouldn't like this.

                 *time passes by a few minutes*

"DEMI, GET DOWN HERE." Denki panicked, he grabbed a hoodie and put it on, he ran downstairs. "Why are you wearing that hoodie?" "Uhm.." "Take it off." Denki slowly took off the hood. "what did you do?.." "I cut my hair." "Please don't tell me your a f@ggot." "No it's just.. uhm.. easier to take care of." "Fine just don't do it again." "Okay.."

                              *next day at UA*

He walked towards the bakusquad. "Hey kami!" "Wait what happened to your hair?" "Uhm.." "I cut it, and I need to tell you guys something.." "What is it kamibro?" "It would be better if we did it in private after school."

                      *after school in his dorm*

The bakusquad sat on Denki's bed. "Demi what is wrong?" Denki opened his mouth and began to speak. "I am.." He paused for a moment and then said it again. "I'm transgender.." "Do you still want us to call you Demi?" "please don't call me that." "What should we call you then?" "Call me denki or kami." "Ok denki." It felt good, he felt accepted.

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